Results for 'Category '

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  1. Leonhard Lipka.Grammatical Categories - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:211.
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  2. L'invention du Turco: Construction et déconstruction d'une catégorie.Construction Et Déconstruction D'une Catégorie - 2008 - In Frank Alvarez-Pereyre (ed.), Catégories et catégorisation: une perspective interdisciplinaire. Dudley, MA: Peeters. pp. 48.
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  3. En guise de conclusion: Catégories et sous-catégories du verbe espagnol.Et Sous-Catégories du Verbe Espagnol - 2008 - In Frank Alvarez-Pereyre (ed.), Catégories et catégorisation: une perspective interdisciplinaire. Dudley, MA: Peeters. pp. 141.
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    Timothy C. Potts.Fregean Categorial Grammar - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.), Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 245.
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  5. Aristote dans l'enseignement philosophique néoplatonicien.Simplicius—Commentaire sur les Catégories - 1992 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 42:407.
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  6. Jacques Jayez and Lucia M. tovena/free choiceness and non-individuation 1–71 Michael McCord and Arendse bernth/a metalogical theory of natural language semantics 73–116 Nathan salmon/are general terms rigid? 117–134. [REVIEW]Stefan Kaufmann, Conditional Predications, Yoad Winter & Cross-Categorial Restrictions On Measure - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28:791-792.
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  7. Cataloghi, categorie artistiche e apprezzamento del valore artistico.Elisa Caldarola - 2024 - In Davide Dal Sasso (ed.), Prima dell'archivio. Bologna: Il Mulino. pp. 239-250.
    Ci sono molti tipi di cataloghi d’arte. Alcuni presentano collezioni museali o raccolte private, altri le opere d’arte espo- ste in mostre temporanee, altri l’opera (completa o parziale) di qualche artista. Alcuni cataloghi listano soltanto le opere d’arte, altri mostrano alcuni aspetti dei contesti espositivi in cui le opere sono presentate al pubblico – installazioni permanenti di musei, o allestimenti temporanei in gallerie d’arte, per esempio. Tutti i cataloghi d’arte sono strumenti per comunicare al pubblico informazioni: i cataloghi possono essere (...)
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  8. Necessary Categories of Conscious Experience.Gal Yehezkel - 2018 - In M. W. Hackett Paul (ed.), Mereologies, Ontologies, and Facets: The Categorial Structure of Reality. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 19-36.
    In this chapter I analyze the concept of self-consciousness in order to uncover its conceptual structure. The conclusions of this analysis describe some of the necessary categories of conscious experience. The concept of the self, the concept of consciousness, the concept of objectivity, the temporal distinctions between past, present, and future, and finally the idea of natural regularities, are found to be necessary categories for conscious experience, and hence describe the fundamental cognitive structure of self-conscious beings.
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  9. Category Mistakes.Ofra Magidor - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Category mistakes are sentences such as 'Green ideas sleep furiously' or 'Saturday is in bed'. They strike us as highly infelicitous but it is hard to explain precisely why this is so. Ofra Magidor explores four approaches to category mistakes in philosophy of language and linguistics, and develops and defends an original, presuppositional account.
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    La catégorie de l’éthicoesthétique dans l’étude de la philosophie byzantine.George Arabatzis - 2020 - Peitho 11 (1):171-184.
    The category of the Ethico-Aesthetics, introduced by Søren Kierkegaard, was applied to the study of Byzantine Philosophy by the Greek philoso­pher and theologian Nikolaos Matsoukas. Matsoukas vehe­mently rejected the identification of Byzantine philosophy with a strict Christian moralism. Rather, he viewed it as an ethos which did not lead the ascetics to display Manichean contempt for the body. It was thus a kind of ‘mild asceticism’. This ethical acceptance of the body turns against Neoplatonic speculation and cultivates the habitus (...)
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  11. Les catégories d'action et de passion dans le Livre des Six principes et quelques-uns de ses commentaires.Charles Girard - 2016 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 27:239-271.
    The categories of acting and undergoing are not really examined in the Aristotelian treatise. This article aims at showing how the anonymous author of the Book of six principles analyses them in trying to fill this void. By doing so, the article underlines how this analysis philosophically relates to some technical problems discussed in the neo-platonician exegetic tradition of Aristotle’s Categories. It makes reference to some thir-teenth- and fourteenth- century commentaries on the Book of six principles both to present how (...)
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  12. Category mistakes are meaningful.Ofra Magidor - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):553-581.
    Category mistakes are sentences such as ‘Colourless green ideas sleep furiously’ or ‘The theory of relativity is eating breakfast’. Such sentences are highly anomalous, and this has led a large number of linguists and philosophers to conclude that they are meaningless (call this ‘the meaninglessness view’). In this paper I argue that the meaninglessness view is incorrect and category mistakes are meaningful. I provide four arguments against the meaninglessness view: in Sect. 2, an argument concerning compositionality with respect (...)
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    Is category specificity in the world or in the mind?H. Clark Barrett - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):478-479.
    HIT produces category-specific deficits without category- specific mechanisms by assuming that differences in properties of objects are transparently converted into differences in representational format. A complete model would specify the mechanisms that accomplish this. Such category-specific mechanisms may have evolved because assumptions about the properties of some kinds of objects (e.g., living things) are invalid for others (e.g., artifacts).
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  14. Categories and foundational ontology: A medieval tutorial.Luis M. Augusto - 2022 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 3 (1):1-56.
    Foundational ontologies, central constructs in ontological investigations and engineering alike, are based on ontological categories. Firstly proposed by Aristotle as the very ur- elements from which the whole of reality can be derived, they are not easy to identify, let alone partition and/or hierarchize; in particular, the question of their number poses serious challenges. The late medieval philosopher Dietrich of Freiberg wrote around 1286 a tutorial that can help us today with this exceedingly difficult task. In this paper, I discuss (...)
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    Categories for the Working Mathematician.Saunders Maclane - 1971 - Springer.
    Category Theory has developed rapidly. This book aims to present those ideas and methods which can now be effectively used by Mathe­ maticians working in a variety of other fields of Mathematical research. This occurs at several levels. On the first level, categories provide a convenient conceptual language, based on the notions of category, functor, natural transformation, contravariance, and functor category. These notions are presented, with appropriate examples, in Chapters I and II. Next comes the fundamental idea (...)
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    Categories and functors in reverse and computable mathematics.Huishan Wu - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-31.
    This paper studies categories and functors in the context of reverse and computable mathematics. In ordinary reverse mathematics, we only focuses on categories whose objects and morphisms can be represented by natural numbers. We first consider morphism sets of categories and prove several associated theorems equivalent to ACA0\mathrm ACA_{0} over the base system RCA0\mathrm RCA_{0}. The Yoneda Lemma is a basic result in category theory and homological algebra. We then develop an effective version of the Yoneda Lemma in $$\mathrm (...)
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    Categories for the Working Philosopher.Elaine M. Landry (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first volume on category theory for a broad philosophical readership. It is designed to show the interest and significance of category theory for a range of philosophical interests: mathematics, proof theory, computation, cognition, scientific modelling, physics, ontology, the structure of the world.
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  18. Catégories et analyse intentionnelle chez Husserl.Frédéric Moinat - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (2):97-110.
    La notion de «catégorie» traverse de manière centrale l�histoire de la philosophie depuis sa première formulation par Aristote. Elle tient une place importante dans la logique développée par Husserl. Cet article a pour visée de montrer comment, au-delà d�une simple exposition d�ontologie formelle, les catégories relèvent de la constitution transcendantale. Comme tout objet, réel ou idéel, les catégories sont corrélées à un ensemble structuré d�actes intentionnels qui peut rendre compte de leur émergence et de leur thématisation explicite. Cela permettra de (...)
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    The categorial reset in the thinking of Arturo Andrés Roig.Carolina Pizarro Cortés & José Santos Herceg - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (1):41-51.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es dar una mirada a la manera en que Roig opera en los ámbitos categoriales. Nuestro propósito es observar cómo el autor critica, confecciona, articula, utiliza, crea y entrelaza categorías, es decir, hemos querido hacer un alto en los procedimientos estructurales de su filosofar, en sus operaciones. Sostenemos como hipótesis que el rearme categorial al que Roig apela en múltiples pasajes de su obra implica, como operación de base, un cambio en el reconocimiento del lugar (...)
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    Categories of Freedom as Categories of Practical Cognition.Jochen Bojanowski - 2015 - Kantian Review 20 (2):211-234.
    Kant famously claims that the table of the categories of freedom does not require explanation. Kant interpreters have been baffled by this claim, and the disagreement among the increasing number of studies in more recent years suggests that the table is not as straightforward as Kant took it to be. In this article I want to show that a coherent interpretation of the table depends essentially on a clarification of what have been taken to be three fundamental ambiguities in Kants (...)
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    A categorial mutation.Oscar Vilarroya - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):508-509.
    The proposal of Steels & Belpaeme (S&B) is on the right track to solve the nativist/empiricist/culturalist controversy. However, their nativist model of colour categorization does not correspond to a proper genetic model. Colour perception is the outcome of a complex process of development. A direct correspondence between genes and colour categories cannot be the right approach to the problem.
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  22. Category-Theoretic Structure and Radical Ontic Structural Realism.Jonathan Bain - 2013 - Synthese 190 (9):1621-1635.
    Radical Ontic Structural Realism (ROSR) claims that structure exists independently of objects that may instantiate it. Critics of ROSR contend that this claim is conceptually incoherent, insofar as, (i) it entails there can be relations without relata, and (ii) there is a conceptual dependence between relations and relata. In this essay I suggest that (ii) is motivated by a set-theoretic formulation of structure, and that adopting a category-theoretic formulation may provide ROSR with more support. In particular, I consider how (...)
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    A Categorial Difficulty in Berkeley.Harry A. Nielsen - 1980 - Philosophy Research Archives 6:393-401.
    In Principles of Human Knowledge Berkeley speaks of the sensible qualities of an apple as being its parts. The paper argues that our words for sense-qualities play a role so unlike that of part-words that verbal atrocities would result from treating qualities as parts. Berkeley lends a surface plausibility to this move by focusing on a narrow selection of the normal linguistic accompaniment of the noun 'apple'. He puts out of mind the language of 'doing things with apples'— peeling, dicing, (...)
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    Categories, Pragmatism, and Experimental Method.Sandra Rosenthal - 2001 - The Commens Encyclopedia: The Digital Encyclopedia of Peirce Studies.
    Peirce’s method of categorial development reveals the experimental nature of phenomenology, of metaphysics, and of the relation between their respective claims. The phenomenological categories of Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness come to light as an interrelated set of meanings, abductively generated as a tool for focusing on the richness of experience in order to elicit its illusive, “intangible” but pervasive textures, “traits” “tones or tints”. The move from experiential claims to metaphysical claims is an imaginative extension via analogy. In the development (...)
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  25. Ontological categories: their nature and significance.Jan Westerhoff - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The concept of an ontological category is central to metaphysics. Metaphysicians argue about which category of existence an object should be assigned to, whether one category can be reduced to another one, or whether there might be different equally adequate systems of categorization. Answers to these questions presuppose a clear understanding of what precisely an ontological category is, and Jan Westerhoff now provides the first in-depth analysis. After examining a variety of attempted definitions, he proceeds to (...)
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  26. Categorial Description: Some Contemporary Metaphysical Issues.Brian Carr - 1987 - Dissertation, University of Exeter (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. ;A form of metaphysical inquiry is in this thesis both illustrated in detail and defended against the charge of issuing in statements which lack cognitive content. 'Categorial description' concerns the fundamental features of our conceptual scheme: the categories described are those of substance, accident, cause, space and time. ;Following Aristotle's distinction between primary and secondary substances, these two notions are addressed as equivalent to those individual or particular things and their kinds. (...)
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    Categories, Creation and Cognition in Vaiśeṣika Philosophy.Śaśiprabhā Kumāra - 2019 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    The proposed book presents an overview of select theories in the classical Vaiśeṣika system of Indian philosophy, such as the concept of categories, creation and existence, atomic theory, consciousness and cognition. It also expounds in detail the concept of dharma, the idea of the highest good and expert testimony as a valid means of knowing in Vaiśeṣika thought. Some of the major themes discussed are the religious inclination of Vaiśeṣika thought towards Pasupata Saivism, the affiliation of the Vaiśeṣika System to (...)
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    Categories and types in logic, language, and physics: essays dedicated to Jim Lambek on the occasion of his 90th birthday.C. Casadio, Bob Coecke, Michael Moortgat, Philip Scott & Jim Lambek (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    For more than 60 years, Jim Lambek has been a profoundly inspirational mathematician, with groundbreaking contributions to algebra, category theory, linguistics, theoretical physics, logic and proof theory. This Festschrift was put together on the occasion of his 90th birthday. The papers in it give a good picture of the multiple research areas where the impact of Jim Lambek's work can be felt. The volume includes contributions by prominent researchers and by their students, showing how Jim Lambek's ideas keep inspiring (...)
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  29. Natural Categories and Human Kinds: Classification in the Natural and Social Sciences.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The notion of 'natural kinds' has been central to contemporary discussions of metaphysics and philosophy of science. Although explicitly articulated by nineteenth-century philosophers like Mill, Whewell and Venn, it has a much older history dating back to Plato and Aristotle. In recent years, essentialism has been the dominant account of natural kinds among philosophers, but the essentialist view has encountered resistance, especially among naturalist metaphysicians and philosophers of science. Informed by detailed examination of classification in the natural and social sciences, (...)
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  30. Category-based induction in conceptual spaces.Matías Osta-Vélez & Peter Gärdenfors - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 96.
    Category-based induction is an inferential mechanism that uses knowledge of conceptual relations in order to estimate how likely is for a property to be projected from one category to another. During the last decades, psychologists have identified several features of this mechanism, and they have proposed different formal models of it. In this article; we propose a new mathematical model for category-based induction based on distances on conceptual spaces. We show how this model can predict most of (...)
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  31. Category mistakes and figurative language.Ofra Magidor - 2015 - Philosophical Studies (1):1-14.
    Category mistakes are sentences such as ”The number two is blue’ or ”Green ideas sleep furiously’. Such sentences are highly infelicitous and thus a prominent view claims that they are meaningless. Category mistakes are also highly prevalent in figurative language. That is to say, it is very common for sentences which are used figuratively to be such that, if taken literally, they would constitute category mistakes. In this paper I argue that the view that category mistakes (...)
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    Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes.Colin McLarty - 1991 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Now available in paperback, this acclaimed book introduces categories and elementary toposes in a manner requiring little mathematical background. It defines the key concepts and gives complete elementary proofs of theorems, including the fundamental theorem of toposes and the sheafification theorem. It ends with topos theoretic descriptions of sets, of basic differential geometry, and of recursive analysis.
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    Social categories, Standardized Relational Pairs and identity work in World War II-narratives.Dorien Van De Mieroop & Kim Schoofs - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (2):227-248.
    Drawing on Membership Categorization Analysis, we aim to tease out how narrators talk into being the social group constellations in their storyworlds and how these – potentially shifting – constellations can be related to the narrator’s identity constructions. We investigate two World War II-testimonies narrated by Belgian concentration camp survivors and scrutinize whether the expected Standardized Relational Pair of victim-perpetrator – viz. the camp prisoners versus the Nazis – is in operation, how these two categories are talked into being, whether (...)
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    Arrangement catégorial et activité psychique. James Harris, un aristotélicien anti-lockéen.Alain Petit - 2018 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 126 (3):425-434.
    Sous l’apparence d’une exégèse du traité aristotélicien des Catégories, Harris, dans ses Philosophical arrangements, cherche à constituer une doctrine des concepts ultimes ou premiers, faisant ainsi endosser à l’aristotélisme un innéisme à rebours de ce qu’un Locke pouvait lui prêter. C’est, au-delà de l’enquête sur les catégories elles-mêmes, une métaphysique de l’esprit qu’insinue Harris, prolongeant ainsi sans le dire les polémiques de Shaftesbury à l’encontre de Locke. Il ne faut donc pas se laisser prendre à l’aspect « exégétique » de (...)
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    Categorías estéticas.Luis Farré - 1967 - [Madrid]: Aguilar.
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  36. Categories We Live By: Reply to Alcoff, Butler, and Roth. Ásta - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):310-318.
    The author of Categories We Live By replies to critics Linda Martín Alcoff, Judith Butler, and Abraham Sesshu Roth.
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    Categorial Change and Philosophical Argument.Stephan Körner - 1969 - Jerusalem.
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    Categorial subsystem independence as morphism co-possibility.Zalán Gyenis & Miklós Rédei - 2017 - Communications in Mathematical Physics.
    This paper formulates a notion of independence of subobjects of an object in a general (i.e. not necessarily concrete) category. Subobject independence is the categorial generalization of what is known as subsystem independence in the context of algebraic relativistic quantum field theory. The content of subobject independence formulated in this paper is morphism co-possibility: two subobjects of an object will be defined to be independent if any two morphisms on the two subobjects of an object are jointly implementable by (...)
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  39. Does category theory provide a framework for mathematical structuralism?Geoffrey Hellman - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (2):129-157.
    Category theory and topos theory have been seen as providing a structuralist framework for mathematics autonomous vis-a-vis set theory. It is argued here that these theories require a background logic of relations and substantive assumptions addressing mathematical existence of categories themselves. We propose a synthesis of Bell's many-topoi view and modal-structuralism. Surprisingly, a combination of mereology and plural quantification suffices to describe hypothetical large domains, recovering the Grothendieck method of universes. Both topos theory and set theory can be carried (...)
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    An Elementary Peircean and Category-Theoretic Reading of Being and Event, Logics of Worlds, and The Immanence of Truths.Fernando Zalamea - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (2).
    The article presents a reading of Badiou’s trilogy, L’Être et l’événement (1988), Logiques des mondes (2006), and L’Immanence des vérités (2018), and points out the mathematical connections with the works of Cohen, Grothendieck, and large cardinal specialists. A synthetic rendering of these connections is first offered, following precise passages in Badiou’s work, then a category-theoretic and Peircean perspective is explored in order to specify the many dialectics in the trilogy, and, finally, some open problems are proposed.
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  41. Category theory as an autonomous foundation.Øystein Linnebo & Richard Pettigrew - 2011 - Philosophia Mathematica 19 (3):227-254.
    Does category theory provide a foundation for mathematics that is autonomous with respect to the orthodox foundation in a set theory such as ZFC? We distinguish three types of autonomy: logical, conceptual, and justificatory. Focusing on a categorical theory of sets, we argue that a strong case can be made for its logical and conceptual autonomy. Its justificatory autonomy turns on whether the objects of a foundation for mathematics should be specified only up to isomorphism, as is customary in (...)
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  42. Geographical Categories: An Ontological Retrospective.Barry Smith & David M. Mark - 2001 - International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15 (7):507–512.
    Since it is only five years since the publication of our paper, "Geographical categories: An ontological investigation" (Smith and Mark 2001), it seems somewhat strange to be making retrospective comments on the piece. Nevertheless, the field is moving quickly, and much has happened since the article appeared. A large number of papers have already cited the work, which suggests that there is a seam here that people find worthy of being mined. In this short essay, we first review the paper (...)
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  43. Category Theory is a Contentful Theory.Shay Logan - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (1):110-115.
    Linnebo and Pettigrew present some objections to category theory as an autonomous foundation. They do a commendable job making clear several distinct senses of ‘autonomous’ as it occurs in the phrase ‘autonomous foundation’. Unfortunately, their paper seems to treat the ‘categorist’ perspective rather unfairly. Several infelicities of this sort were addressed by McLarty. In this note I address yet another apparent infelicity.
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  44. Paraphrase, categories, and ontology.Jonah Goldwater - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 64 (1):39-56.
    Analytic Philosophy, EarlyView. The method of paraphrasing away apparent ontological commitments is a familiar tool for trimming one's ontology. Even so, I argue that aiming to avoid commitment via paraphrase is unjustified. The reason is the standard motivations for paraphrase rest on implicit yet faulty principles regarding ontological categories and categorization- or so I argue. These results also provide indirect support for a permissivist approach to ontology.
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  45. Interweaving categories: Styles, paradigms, and models.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (4):628-639.
    Analytical categories of scientific cultures have typically been used both exclusively and universally. For instance, when styles of scientific research are employed in attempts to understand and narrate science, styles alone are usually employed. This article is a thought experiment in interweaving categories. What would happen if rather than employ a single category, we instead investigated several categories simultaneously? What would we learn about the practices and theories, the agents and materials, and the political-technological impact of science if we (...)
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  46. The categories of causation.John Schwenkler - 2024 - Synthese 203 (9):1-35.
    This paper is an essay in what Austin (_Proc Aristotel Soc_ 57: 1–30, 1956–1957) called "linguistic phenomenology". Its focus is on showing how the grammatical features of ordinary causal verbs, as revealed in the kinds of linguistic constructions they can figure in, can shed light on the nature of the processes that these verbs are used to describe. Specifically, drawing on the comprehensive classification of English verbs founds in Levin (_English verb classes and alternations: a preliminary investigation_, University of Chicago (...)
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    Category Free Category Theory and Its Philosophical Implications.Michael Heller - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (4):447-459.
    There exists a dispute in philosophy, going back at least to Leibniz, whether is it possible to view the world as a network of relations and relations between relations with the role of objects, between which these relations hold, entirely eliminated. Category theory seems to be the correct mathematical theory for clarifying conceptual possibilities in this respect. In this theory, objects acquire their identity either by definition, when in defining category we postulate the existence of objects, or formally (...)
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  48. Symmetric Categorial Grammar.Michael Moortgat - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):681-710.
    The Lambek-Grishin calculus is a symmetric version of categorial grammar obtained by augmenting the standard inventory of type-forming operations (product and residual left and right division) with a dual family: coproduct, left and right difference. Interaction between these two families is provided by distributivity laws. These distributivity laws have pleasant invariance properties: stability of interpretations for the Curry-Howard derivational semantics, and structure-preservation at the syntactic end. The move to symmetry thus offers novel ways of reconciling the demands of natural language (...)
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    Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy.Marek Kuś & Bartłomiej Skowron (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    The contributions gathered here demonstrate how categorical ontology can provide a basis for linking three important basic sciences: mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Category theory is a new formal ontology that shifts the main focus from objects to processes. The book approaches formal ontology in the original sense put forward by the philosopher Edmund Husserl, namely as a science that deals with entities that can be exemplified in all spheres and domains of reality. It is a dynamic, processual, and non-substantial (...)
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    Category theory for the sciences.David I. Spivak - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An introduction to category theory as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language that can be used across the sciences. Category theory was invented in the 1940s to unify and synthesize different areas in mathematics, and it has proven remarkably successful in enabling powerful communication between disparate fields and subfields within mathematics. This book shows that category theory can be useful outside of mathematics as a rigorous, flexible, and coherent modeling language throughout the sciences. Information is inherently (...)
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