OAI Archive: Open Access Institutional Repository at the Robert Gordon University
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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Open Access Institutional Repository at the Robert Gordon University"
This set has the following status: partial.
- (1 other version)Making sense: death, dying, and mental health.Dan Warrender & Scott Macpherson - 2018 - In Keith Cooper & J. Cooper, Palliative care within mental health: ethical practice. CRC Press. pp. 324-337.details
- Problems of involvement and detachment: a critical approach to researching live event experiences.Daniel Turner & Elliot Pirie - 2016 - In I. R. Lamond & L. Platt, Critical Event Studies. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 17-35.details
- Positioning cost overrun research in the philosophical debate: a case for critical realism.Alolote Amadi & Temitope Omotayo - unknowndetails
- Positioning cost overrun research in the philosophical debate: a case for critical realism.A. Amadi & Omotayo Temitope - unknowndetails
- Compare and contrast two different ontological perspectives that might apply to qualitative research in psychology evaluating the impact on epistemology and choice of data collection method in studying straight men who sleep with men.Broadway-Horner Matt - forthcoming - International Journal of Culture and Mental Health.details
- Investigation into the personal epistemology of computer science students.McDermott Roger, Pirie Iain, Cajander Asa, Daniels Mats & Laxer Cary - unknowndetails
- Contemplations on results from investigating the personal epistemology of computing students.McDermott Roger, Pirie Iain, Laxer Cary, Cajander Asa & Daniels Mats - unknowndetails
- Traditional and hybrid leadership styles in Rwanda: examining the common leadership styles, influencing factors, and culture in post-genocide Rwanda.Rugerinyange Nshuti - unknowndetails
- Improvisation as experimentation in everyday life and beyond.Anne Douglas & Kathleen Coessens - unknowndetails
- How images actually work: settling a longstanding debate.Hamlyn Jim - unknowndetails
- Art as a narrative of alterity. Part 1: Prolegomenon, appendices, and bibliography. Part 2: Books.Brian James Grassom - unknowndetails
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