About PhilPapers
PhilPapers is:
A comprehensive index of the research literature in philosophy
PhilPapers uses advanced trawling techniques and large-scale crowd-sourcing to monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, personal pages, and open access archives. Our index currently includes 2,761,531 research books and articles. Over 5,000 individuals have contributed content to our index.
An Open Access archive
PhilPapers includes an
Open Access archive that is integrated with its citation index. This innovative fusion has enabled PhilPapers' archive to quickly become the primary open access archive of research in philosophy.
A comprehensive structured bibliography of philosophy
PhilPapers' index and its archive are integrated with
the largest structured bibliography in the field. PhilPapers' structured bibliography organizes half a million entries into 5,945 topics at different levels of generality. Classification is maintained by a combination of automatic classification, crowd-sourcing, and curation work done by approximately 400 appointed academics.
A major content alerting service in philosophy
Each week, PhilPapers sends over 10,000 content alerts by email to subscribed users, providing them a summary of new papers on their topics of interest. PhilPapers also has more than 4,000 subscriptions to its RSS feeds.
An online community of philosophers
PhilPapers currently has 505,654 registered users, including the majority of professional philosophers and graduate students.
Who we are
General editors
David Bourget (University of Western Ontario)
David Chalmers (Australian National University, New York University)
Area Editors
David Bourget (University of Western Ontario):
Philosophy of MindGwen Bradford (University of Toronto, St. George Campus):
Value Theory, MiscellaneousBerit Brogaard (University of Miami):
Philosophy of LanguageMargaret Cameron (University of Melbourne):
Medieval and Renaissance PhilosophyDavid Chalmers (New York University):
Philosophy of MindJames Chase (University of Tasmania):
20th Century PhilosophyRafael De Clercq (Lingnan University):
AestheticsEzio Di Nucci (University of Copenhagen):
Applied EthicsEsa Diaz-Leon (Universitat de Barcelona):
Philosophy of Gender, Race, and SexualityBarry Hallen:
African/Africana PhilosophyHans Halvorson (Princeton University, University of Copenhagen):
Philosophy of Physical ScienceJonathan Ichikawa (University of British Columbia):
MetaphilosophyMichelle Kosch (Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University):
19th Century PhilosophyØystein Linnebo (University of Oslo, Università della Svizzera Italiana):
Philosophy of MathematicsPaul Livingston (University of New Mexico):
Continental PhilosophyBrandon Look (University of Kentucky):
17th/18th Century PhilosophyManolo Martínez (Universitat de Barcelona):
Philosophy of BiologyMatthew McGrath:
EpistemologyMichiru Nagatsu (University of Helsinki):
Philosophy of Social ScienceSusana Nuccetelli (St. Cloud State University):
Philosophy of the AmericasGiuseppe Primiero (Università degli Studi di Milano):
Philosophy of Computing and InformationJack Alan Reynolds (Deakin University):
20th Century PhilosophyDarrell P. Rowbottom (Lingnan University):
Philosophy of ProbabilityAleksandra Samonek (Université Catholique de Louvain, Jagiellonian University):
Logic and Philosophy of LogicConstantine Sandis (University of Hertfordshire):
Philosophy of ActionHoward Sankey (University of Melbourne):
General Philosophy of ScienceJonathan Schaffer (Rutgers - New Brunswick):
MetaphysicsThomas Senor (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville):
Philosophy of ReligionRobin Smith (Texas A&M University):
Ancient Greek and Roman PhilosophyDaniel Star (Boston University):
Meta-EthicsJussi Suikkanen (University of Birmingham):
Normative EthicsAness Kim Webster (Durham University):
Philosophy of LawSee this page for a complete list of all editors (about 400 in total).
PhilPapers' history and support
PhilPapers was initially developed (2006-09) by David Bourget and David Chalmers at the Centre for Consciousness at the Australian National University.
The site and the technology behind it started off as MindPapers, which was developed during the years 2006-2007. Immediately after launching MindPapers, Bourget and Chalmers began extending it to cover all of philosophy. Major improvements to the technology resulted in PhilPapers, launched early 2009. The original software architecture and programming is mainly Bourget's work, while the category structure is mainly Chalmers'.
Later in 2009, David Bourget took on a postdoc at the
Institute of Philosophy at the University of London, where the
project benefited from grant funding from the Joint Information
Systems Committee. Many improvements were made to the software, which was released independently as an open source package called xPapers.
Since mid-2013, PhilPapers has a new home at the Centre for Digital Philosophy headed by David Bourget at the
University of Western Ontario. PhilPapers is now self-funded through subscriptions.
Current sponsors
Past sponsors
Other Contributors
Significant parts of PhilPapers come from Online Papers in Philosophy, a project developed by Wolfgang Schwarz, which has been integrated into PhilPapers. The personal page tracking system, in particular, was taken from Schwarz' OPP. We are grateful to Schwarz for his work on integrating his software into PhilPapers.
The Polish Center for Philosophical Research has contributed a large amount of Polish content to PhilPapers. We are grateful to Pawel Grabarczyk, Katarzyna Kus and Piotr Wilkin for their work on this project, which has been financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Many entries for articles in Portuguese were graciously donated by PhilBrasil. We continue to share content with PhilBrasil.
Many links to historical e-texts were graciously donated by Thomas Stone of EpistemeLinks.
Last but not least, PhilPapers depends heavily on contributions from end-users. Over 5,000 registered users have contributed to the index. About 400 volunteer editors maintain the categories. We are grateful to everyone for their contributions.
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