OAI Archive: ScholarWorks @ UVM

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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "ScholarWorks @ UVM"

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  1. Primary Source Instruction as a Social Justice Pathway.Erica H. Donnis & Faith Yacubian - unknown
    This chapter describes the development and refinement of three undergraduate primary source instruction sessions exploring social justice topics at Champlain College, a small predominantly white private college located in Burlington, Vermont. In these sessions, students analyzed how local history, community memory-making, and the role institutions of higher education have played in both perpetuating and disrupting dominant cultural narratives. The coauthors discuss key sources featured in each session, lesson formats and classroom activities, pre- and post-session assignments, and instructor and student reflections.
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  2. Plastic Earth: Environmental Justice, Hope in the Global Plastics Treaty, and Reproductive Eco-Anxiety in a Time of Environmental Harm.Lucy Drummond - unknown
    This dissertation takes a multi-scalar approach to exploring the environmental and human health hazards of plastics. The first and second studies explore global issues of plastics through environmental justice (EJ) and the United Nations plastics treaty negotiations respectively. The first study narrates the plastics “life cycle” through connecting existing literature and case studies of distributive, recognitional, and procedural injustices at each cycle stage. In addition to peer reviewed scholarship and grey literature, this chapter operationalizes the voices of those most impacted (...)
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  3. Interactive Fictional Characters as Causally Active Abstract Artifacts.Abigail Eden Kopelowitz - unknown
    artifacts are entities without spatial locations brought into existence from intentional creative acts. Examples include fictional characters, musical works, stories, or languages. I argue that abstract artifacts can be causally active. I will demonstrate the validity of this claim with a case study: interactive fictional characters, or IFCs, which include non-playable characters and playable characters from tabletop roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). Any theories about the nature of abstract artifacts must include this type of interactive entity. This paper (...)
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  4. “to Be On The Move Again At Least Is Something”: Ann Quin, Gilles Deleuze, And The Spectacular Nomadism Of Capital.Mara Sophia Knoecklein - unknown
    Taking a cue from recent discussions in postcriticism, this project develops a method of reading that views literary works as inherently theoretical, informed by the project of Pragmatics defined by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Whereas traditional modes of reading use a work of theory to unlock the hidden secrets of a literary text, I articulate a process of co-reading, where texts are instead used to illustrate and complicate one another. This style of reading asks how a fictional text problematizes (...)
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  5. Group-Level Frameworks for Data Ethics, Privacy, Safety and Security in Digital Environments.Juniper Lovato - unknown
    In today's digital age, the widespread collection, utilization, and sharing of personal data are challenging our conventional beliefs about privacy and information security. This thesis will explore the boundaries of conventional privacy and security frameworks and investigate new methods to handle online privacy by integrating groups. Additionally, we will examine approaches to monitoring the types of information gathered on individuals to tackle transparency concerns in the data broker and data processor sector. We aim to challenge traditional notions of privacy and (...)
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  6. Afro-Brazilian Cosmology as Praxis for Student Affairs.Catarina E. Campbell - unknown
    In this article, one will find a friendly introduction to several orixás, the archetypal forces of nature in Yoruban and Afro-Brazilian cosmology, in order to explore the applicability of their teachings within the realm of student affairs. With each orixá comes a teaching story, series of reflection questions, and a tangible pedagogical practice. When employed with reverence to their origin and context, these tools can catalyze self-development, sense of purpose, and breadth of perspective for both for our students and ourselves.
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  7. Loving the mess: navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability.Jasper O. Kenter, Christopher M. Raymond, Carena J. van Riper, Elaine Azzopardi, Michelle R. Brear, Fulvia Calcagni, Ian Christie, Michael Christie, Anne Fordham, Rachelle K. Gould, Christopher D. Ives, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Richard Gunton, Andra Ioana Horcea-Milcu, Dave Kendal, Jakub Kronenberg, Julian R. Massenberg, Seb O’Connor, Neil Ravenscroft, Andrea Rawluk, Ivan J. Raymond, Jorge Rodríguez-Morales & Samarthia Thankappan - unknown
    This paper concludes a special feature of Sustainability Science that explores a broad range of social value theoretical traditions, such as religious studies, social psychology, indigenous knowledge, economics, sociology, and philosophy. We introduce a novel transdisciplinary conceptual framework that revolves around concepts of ‘lenses’ and ‘tensions’ to help navigate value diversity. First, we consider the notion of lenses: perspectives on value and valuation along diverse dimensions that describe what values focus on, how their sociality is envisioned, and what epistemic and (...)
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  8. Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Social Construction Of Mental Illness Among State Administrators And Consumer-Advocates.Paul Arthur Dragon - unknown
    From 19th century insane asylums to state sponsored eugenic programs in the 20th century, the state has been an incongruous leader and provider of mental health policy and practice. Current practices that include such treatments as confinement, restraints, forced medication and electro-convulsive therapy continue to raise issues of social justice and humane treatment. Since the 1970s a diverse group of consumers of mental health services from political and radical emancipatory movements to consumer and family initiatives have emerged to question, inform (...)
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  9. Cultivating Well-Being and Contemplative Ways of Knowing through Connection: One Woman's Journey from Monastic Living to Mainstream Academia.Krista Hamel - unknown
    This thesis examines how different types of connection – intimacy, community, and compassion – can positively impact the cultivation of well-being and ways of knowing. Using Scholarly Personal Narrative methodology I describe my journey from the 15-years I lived as a monastic yogic nun, followed by a period of heartbreak, to my recent experience as a tip-toeing Buddhist and mid-life graduate student who yearned for community, a place to belong, and an opportunity to be heard, seen and valued. I explore (...)
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  10. Poetics of The Real.Matthew Mersky - unknown
    ABSTRACT The premise of my thesis is to approach poetics anew, using psychoanalysis and other related theoretical disciplines to help answer the often overlooked but fundamental question: 'What is poetry?' This thesis is based on the notion that Freud's insight into the unconscious is itself the key to unlocking the essential function of poetry as it has come to be understood in the 20th century, throughout the modernist period; and that Lacan, as a rewriting of Freud, specifically developed a theory (...)
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  11. Transformative Education Through Interdisciplinary Studies: Opening the Dialogue of Healing Modalities.Jarett Chizick - unknown
    Through the lens of my disability I am exploring dialogue in medical and education settings. Diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, I have explored the concept and notion behind: “What quantifies or qualifies ‘illness’ or ‘cure’?”. As an arthritic autoimmune condition, it is chronic and can be debilitating. Through course work in the College of Education and Social Service's Interdisciplinary Program, many more questions arose than answers. A 2012 study by Reveille, et al. shows conditions like AS, grouped as Axial Spondylarthritis or (...)
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  12. The Compression and Expansion of Musical Experience in the Digital Age.Jesse Lawson - unknown
    As the record industry’s fortunes decline, consumers experience increasing access to the world’s recorded music, legally and otherwise, through digital technologies. At the same time, recordings not only take up less physical space , they are compressed — not just as data, but in terms of dynamic range. While it allows for constant audibility in noisy environments like cars and offices, dynamic range compression has frustrated many listeners for limiting the impact of the music and causing “ear fatigue.” These listeners (...)
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  13. The Library and its Place in Cultural Memory : Reflections on the Grande Bibliothèque Du Québec and Other Significant Libraries in the Construction of Social and Cultural Identity.Birdie MacLennan - unknown
    The Grande Bibliothèque du Québec , the merger of the National Library of Québec with the Central Municipal Library of Montréal in a ninety-million dollar construction project which opened in the spring of 2005, serves as the point of departure and as a model and metaphor for reflection on the significance of libraries in the cultural life of a society and in the construction of social identity. The province of Québec is unique, not only because it is the sole province (...)
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  14. The Library and Its Place in Cultural Memory: The Grande Bibliothèque du Québec in the Construction of Social and Cultural Identity.Birdie MacLennan - unknown
    The province of Québec, the sole province in Canada where the citizens are a French-language majority, is also the only province with its own national library. The Bibliothèque nationale du Québec and other significant libraries around the world collect and preserve memory in ways that create a context for cultural recall. The first part of this article traces the heated debates that took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries over the creation of a public or municipal library (...)
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