Works by Emslie, Michael (exact spelling)

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  1.  14
    Arts-Based Pathways into Thinking: Troubling Standardization/s, EnticingMultiplicities, Inhabiting Creative Imaginings.Michael Crowhurst & Michael Emslie - 2020 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book, based on a critical/collective/auto/ethnographic research project, describes an assemblage of theoretically informed, arts-based methods that aim to promote multiplicity and thinking. It explores multiplicities of knowing, sensing, doing and being, generated by analyzing knowing frames, poetry, reading aloud, fableing, playwriting and other inventive, playful and scholarly ways of working with experiences and stories. By offering engaging and inspiring strategies that can disturb standardizations and interrupt cultural normativities, the book sheds light on the conditions that might be present in (...)
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  2.  7
    'One-eyed hobby horses', practice theories and good youth work.Michael Emslie - 2016 - Journal of Applied Youth Studies 1 (3):5-23.
    This critique of some of the prevailing approaches to youth work argues that theories of practice offer better ways of understanding and achieving good practice. A significant body of literature suggests good youth work involves engaging young people in education and training, implementing a practice model, or acting upon young people's feedback. However, criticisms of these accounts suggest they are inadequate. This article makes the case that we need to think about the problems youth work is trying to address as (...)
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  3.  8
    Social enterprise and the paradox of young people and risk taking: A view from Australia.Michael Emslie - 2017 - Youth and Policy 117:1-5.
    In Australia young people have emerged as a popular target for social enterprises and enterprising activities (Barraket, Mason and Blain, 2016). The reasons for engaging young people in enterprise-based projects include claims that they help address young people's deficits in entrepreneurialism and risk-taking as well as prepare young people to thrive in risky futures characterised by uncertain labour markets and precarious work (Foundation for Young Australians, 2015, 2016a, 2017a). The risk category is also central to a good deal of policy (...)
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  4.  14
    Thinking practice: A conceptualisation of good practice in human services with a focus on youth work.Michael Emslie - 2019 - Dissertation, Rmit University
    In this thesis I argue that what we tend to see in contemporary accounts of human service practice in the relevant literature is a ‘common-sense’ informed by a complex mix of neoliberal political and policy imperatives and various kinds of technical-rational styles of administration and management. These accounts of practice can inadvertently contribute to the problems they are meant to address and can do more harm than good. Common-sense accounts of practice also align with how human services are typically regulated (...)
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  5.  10
    Using allegory to think about youth work in rich countries that fail some young people.Michael Emslie - 2019 - Journal of Youth Studies 22 (3):363-379.
    This article explores the opportunities afforded by Ursula Le Guin’s allegory ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’ for thinking about the role of youth work in modern cities and societies that are deemed to be successful but at the same time fail some young people. Using Melbourne and Australia as examples and following Le Guin the case is made that the prosperity of ‘liveable’ cities and ‘lucky’ countries coincides with the neglect and mistreatment of some young people. The same (...)
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