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History of Western Philosophy
  1. The dispute between Gandhi and De Ligt on the war justifications (1928–1930).Claudio G. Anta - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Between May 1928 and January 1930, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Bartholomeus De Ligt engaged in an intense and detailed debate over the justifications for war, much of which was published in Young India. De Ligt argued that Gandhi could not be considered the moral successor of Tolstoy, as the Mahatma had participated in British-led wars three times: during the second Boer War (1899–1902), the Zulu rebellion (1906), and the Great War against the European Central Powers. Throughout this dispute, De Ligt (...)
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  2. Schelling and Fichte on the Deduction of Right from Ichheit.Christopher Iacovetti - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (4):383-399.
    This article presents a comparative reading of Schelling's Neue Deduktion des Naturrechts and Fichte's Grundlage des Naturrechts. Both thinkers adopt the idealist strategy of deducing right (Recht) from I-hood (Ichheit) and insist, as a result, that right neither derives from nor depends on the moral law. But while Fichte deduces right from the “pure I-hood” uncovered in intellectual intuition, Schelling deduces it from the “absolute I-hood” postulated by practical reason. This difference generates a disagreement regarding the derivative relationship between right (...)
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  3. Kant and Shepherd on the Permanence of Substance.David Landy - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (4):361-381.
    In the First Analogy, Kant argues that because we mark the passage of time on the objects of experience, in order to represent the unity of time, we must represent the world as consisting of a single substance that can never be created or destroyed. We must rule out gaps in time's passage, and incommensurable timelines. It is argued here that Mary Shepherd likewise holds that we mark the passage of time on the objects of experience, but that she meets (...)
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  4. Bradley, Irony, and Minimalist Metaphysics.Joseph Gamache - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (4):323-339.
    This paper explores the metaphysical and metaphilosophical irony of the British philosopher F. H. Bradley (1846–1924). Using Richard Rorty's account of irony in Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, it advances a reading of Bradley's work as one in which he ironically plays absolute idealism, pragmatism, and skepticism off each other. It then develops an account of the deeper reason for such an ironic approach to metaphysics, namely, that Bradley aimed to secure both the autonomy of metaphysical inquiry against incursions by science, (...)
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  5. Kant's Revised Account of Hope in Human Progress.Laura Papish - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (4):305-322.
    Kant remained throughout his life committed to the idea that we can justifiably hope humankind is progressing. But there are important changes in how he conceptualized this hope. This paper maps out two underappreciated shifts in Kant's thinking between his final word on the subject, in his 1797 An Old Question Raised Again, and his accounts of hope in progress in earlier texts, including the Common Saying essay and Toward Perpetual Peace. The paper also shows that this new account remedies (...)
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  6. Gentleness, Spiritedness, and Choosing an Interlocutor in Plato.Marta Heckel - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (4):341-360.
    Plato, across several dialogues, praises a combination of spiritedness and gentleness and criticizes an imbalance between these two traits. Unsurprisingly, we see Plato warn against excessively spirited interlocutors in the Republic and Philebus; surprisingly, the Visitor in the Sophist prefers an only gentle interlocutor. This paper argues that we can explain this preference by considering aim in philosophical discussion. Through exploring the relation between gentleness and spiritedness and several main aims, this paper emphasizes how Plato was concerned about mapping philosophical (...)
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  7. O conceito de "raça" em Nietzsche.Rogerio Lopes & Daniel Melo Soares - 2024 - Estudos Nietzsche 15 (2):76-104.
    This article aims to reconstruct the concept of “race” in Nietzsche's work, particularly in his late writings. We seek to test the hypothesis that Nietzsche attempted to reform the concept of race to overcome the descriptive and normative shortcomings of classical racialist theories, by making the notion (a) descriptively more accurate and (b) better suited to his normative agenda. Tosituate Nietzsche's views within a purely abstract space of conceptual possibilities, the first section outlines two contemporary approaches in the philosophy of (...)
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  8. Interaction between the External Body and the Perceiver in the Timaeus.Pauliina Remes - 2014 - In Jose Filipe Silva & Mikko Yrjönsuuri, Active Perception in the History of Philosophy: From Plato to Modern Philosophy. Cham [Switzerland]: Springer. pp. 9-30.
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  9. KOSTAS AXELOS : THE PLAY OF WORLD - ALEXIS KARPOUZOS.Alexis Karpouzos - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (18):8.
    The Philosophical Contribution of Kostas Axelos: The Issue of the Open System and Technological Civilization -/- Kostas Axelos (1924–2010) remains one of the most intriguing and underexplored figures in contemporary philosophy. His work, situated at the crossroads of Marxism, Heideggerian phenomenology, and the philosophy of technology, raises critical questions about the nature of modern civilization and the fate of thought in an increasingly technological world. One of the central academic issues in Axelos’ thought is his concept of the "open system," (...)
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  10. Yearning for immortality: The European invention of the ancient Egyptian afterlife.Anthony Ossa-Richardson - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    According to the Danish-American Egyptologist Rune Nyord, almost everything conventionally held about ancient Egyptian notions of death is incorrect, or, at best, founded on unjustified assumptions...
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  11. Santo Antão. The Jesuit College in Lisbon and its History.David Salomoni, Luana Giurgevich & Henrique Leitão (eds.) - forthcoming - Brill.
    The volume delves into the multifaceted history of Lisbon's Jesuit College of Santo Antão, tracing its evolution from its establishment to the eventual suppression of the Society of Jesus. This scholarly work examines an array of themes, including the college’s innovative pedagogical practices, its architectural developments, and its significant contributions to the preservation of a rich literary heritage. Moreover, the volume situates the institution within broader social and scientific context.
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  12. Austrian philosophy and the persistence of metaphysics.U. K. Manchester - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-11.
    Following an overview of Mark Textor's wide-ranging narrative in The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn Against Metaphysics, I note his treatment of the discussion of Brentano's thesis and discuss that of the naturalistic opposition to Brentano, Textor's understanding of the concept of Austrian Philosophy and raise a question about the survival of metaphysics he advocates.
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  13. Manners in a Commercial Society. Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, Pierre Louis Roederer, and the Transformations of Republicanism under the Directoire (c. 1795–1799). [REVIEW]Sonja Asal - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Under the Directoire, manners and morals (mœurs) became an essential political instrument for ‘forming’ citizens and conveying republican values. Intensive reflection on how republican convictions and identification with the republic could be conveyed under modern social and economic conditions accompanied the Directorial government's educational and symbolic political activities. The article examines, in particular, the theories of Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, Pierre Louis Roederer, and Jean Baptiste Say. These authors shared the conviction that the ancient idea of republican virtue was no longer (...)
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  14. The Challenge of Distance: Adam Smith on Empire and Liberty.Huahui Zhu - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    While Adam Smith’s scepticism of European imperialism is well documented, he also argued that liberty and empire can be reconciled in certain forms of government. For Smith, liberty requires a regular and lawful government. In the context of empires, liberty hinges on the sovereign’s capacity to control local magistrates in remote provinces. Through close examination of the history of the Roman Empire, Smith recognised the superiority of monarchies to republics in securing the liberty of distant areas. However, the overextended governance (...)
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  15. Kant on the Aesthetic Idea in Judgment and Creation.Jiaxian Liu - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy:e13063.
    Kant's emphasis on the aesthetic idea permeates the judgment of beauty and the creation of beauty. This paper argues that both natural and artistic beauty are concrete expressions of aesthetic ideas. Regarding natural beauty, the subject appreciates the natural object through a dual grasp of the aesthetic normal idea and the rational idea. Regarding artistic beauty, the aesthetic idea can make the rational idea sensible, allowing the subject to derive aesthetic pleasure by reflecting on the aesthetic representations of rational ideas. (...)
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  16. Recovering Women's Past: New Epistemologies, New Ventures.Severine Genieys-Kirk (ed.) - 2023 - University of Nebraska Press.
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  17. ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΑΞΕΛΟΣ : ΤΟ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙ ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ - ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΚΑΡΠΟΥΖΟΣ.Alexis Karpouzos - 2025 - Journal of Philosophy 8 (12):4.
    1. Οντολογία του Παιγνίου Μία από τις πιο σημαντικές συνεισφορές του Αξελού είναι η θεωρία του περί του «κοσμικού παιγνίου». Σύμφωνα με αυτήν, ο κόσμος δεν είναι ούτε ένα αυστηρό σύστημα καθορισμένων νόμων, ούτε ένα χαοτικό σύνολο τυχαίων γεγονότων, αλλά ένα δυναμικό παίγνιο που εμπλέκει τη δημιουργία, την καταστροφή και τη μεταμόρφωση. Η έννοια του παιγνίου επιτρέπει μια ανοιχτή, μη δογματική προσέγγιση του Κόσμου, όπου το είναι και το γίγνεσθαι αλληλοδιαπλέκονται. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, απορρίπτει την παραδοσιακή δυϊστική διάκριση μεταξύ (...)
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  18. The Religious Innatism Debate in Early Modern Britain: Intellectual Change Beyond Locke.Elad Carmel - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    A short book of intellectual history is a rare treat. Such is Robin Mills’s recent study of the religious innatism debate in Britain: in just a few brief chapters, we get a comprehensive guide of t...
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  19. Introduction to the symposium on Eileen M. Hunt’s The First Last Man.Samuel Piccolo - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Few characters in Western popular culture are as iconic as the Creature from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, even if most who can sketch the image of Boris Karloff’s bolts and scars would be able to o...
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  20. Candler Hayes, Julie. Women Moralists in Early Modern France. New York: Oxford University Press 2024, xv + 284 pp. [REVIEW]Allauren Samantha Forbes - forthcoming - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.
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  21. Teaching women philosophers, Ideas and Concepts from Women Philosophers’ Writings Over 2000 Years.Ruth Edith Hagengruber (ed.) - 2024 - Springer.
    This book expands the known canon by presenting arguments and concepts from women philosophers, from all periods of the history of philosophy, from antiquity to the present day. The collaborative collection is an undertaking that emerged from intensive discussions on how to expand the philosophical canon, which formed the conclusion of the Libori Summer School 2019. This Libori Summer School, the third in a row, was held to enhance the study of texts written by women philosophers from Antiquity up to (...)
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  22. Extension and division: the ontological status of quantity in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.Elena Băltuță Yael Kedar Multi-Disciplinary Studies, Tel-Hai College & Israel - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):223-228.
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  23. The limits of my language are the limits of my world. [REVIEW]Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - manuscript - Translated by Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri.
    A profession from a mere private teacher to an International Linguistic Author, Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri, whom Literary World often calls an “innate creator” or ‘Divine Vengeance’, has proved herself when she had won to her surprise Harvard World Records and London Book of World Record. Living now in a suburb called Madhyamgram (West Bengal), this Semantic Scholar and Writer on English and British Literature, has widely-acclaimed her name in World of Literature with title ‘Blood is Memory without Language: A Litterateur’ (...)
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  24. Against Conceptual Analysis.Farid Saberi - manuscript
    In this paper, I examine Frank Jackson’s (1998) defense of conceptual analysis and flag some of the problems with his defense. If I am right about my criticisms, then, firstly, we do not desperately need conceptual analysis because neither our science nor metaphysics need to be committed to completeness and entailment. This was shown by methodological physicalism. Secondly, conceptual analysis does not give us the expected results. If we expect the conceptual analysis to give us apriori results (in the sense (...)
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  25. A clear mind and a gurgling laugh. [REVIEW]Caterina Sisti - 2020 - Metascience 30: 123–126.
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  26. Hard, Soft and Non-Problems of Absurdity A Marxian Critique of Thomas Nagel’s Understanding of the Absurd.Farid Saberi - manuscript
    My argument here is two-fold. I agree with Nagel that folk experience of absurdity and the way this experience is conceptually articulated (“the standard arguments for absurdity”) is distorted and confused. However, I argue that his proposed philosophical articulation of the absurd is not coherent and deprives the folk experience of the absurd from its true and original crux hidden behind its confused expressions. Here, firstly, I review the main argument of Nagel’s paper and compare his liberal “ironic view” of (...)
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  27. Russell’s proof and meaning in isolation.Michael Rieppel - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-20.
    In Chapter III of Principia Mathematica and several later writings, Russell gave a proof to show that definite descriptions are “incomplete symbols” that have “no meaning in isolation”. Despite the importance Russell seems to attach to the proof, many commentators have regarded it as obviously fallacious. Perkins has offered an interpretation that aims to rehabilitate the proof, but does not, I suggest, vindicate the conclusion about meaning in isolation in a sufficiently robust sense. This paper aims to close that gap (...)
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  28. (1 other version)The most important book never written:a media history of Saul Kripke’s scholarly Samizdat.Margie Borschke - 2025 - Amodern 12.
    This paper considers the significance of informal publication and circulation in the work of the philosopher Saul Kripke (1940-2022). It argues that everyday copying technologies (e.g. tape recording, photocopying) enabled academics in the 1970s and 1980s to create living documents whose private preservation and circulation maintained a community of interest and makes a case for understanding these technologies and techniques of reproduction as essential to the composition of Kripke’s ground-breaking published work. Kripke lectured a great deal, usually without notes, and (...)
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  29. Private Language in Philosophical Investigations: The Viability of Hintikkas’ Interpretation.Mate Penava & Jure Zovko - 2024 - Disputatio Philosophica 26 (1):37-49.
    In this paper, we analyze Jaakko and Merrill Hintikka’s interpretation of Wittgenstein’s arguments against epistemic privacy. The main focus of the paper is to explore their views on this issue and examine the connections between their argumentation and that of Saul Kripke to see to what extent these views coincide. The reason for comparing the said authors is that they all oppose the received view of the argument against private language, which claims that the discussion of private language begins with (...)
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  30. On Aristotle’s use of examples and how to read them.Universidad de los Andes Gabriela Rossi Instituto de Filosofía & Chile Santiago - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-22.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold. One is to show that Aristotle’s study of examples in Prior Analytics (An. Pr.) and Rhetoric (Rh.) (and in particular the ‘comparison’ (parabole) described in Rh 2.20) is useful for philosophy and, moreover, it underlies Aristotle’s discussion of examples in several passages of his philosophical writings. The second is to show that in order to correctly understand the examples that Aristotle presents in his philosophical writings, it is crucial for the reader to successfully (...)
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  31. John Stuart Mill: socialism, pluralism, and competition.Helen McCabe School of Politics - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-23.
    Most work on John Stuart Mill focuses on his account of civil or political liberties. But as Bruce Baum (2006) argues, Mill's commitment to “the free development of individuality” applied in the economic sphere as well as the social and political. As part of his decentralized, ‘liberal’, socialism (McCabe, 2021) he endorsed a ‘pluralist’ economy which combined consumer- and producer-co-operatives with some state provisions. This ‘utopia’ reveals a road untravelled by both socialism and liberalism, but aimed at achieving normative principles (...)
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  32. Exploring the mind in Austria (1874–1918) and defending Mach’s neutral monism.María de Paz - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-11.
    The paper is structured into two main sections. Following a brief introduction, the second section delves into various overarching topics regarding Mark Textor’s work The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn against Metaphysics. Specifically, it examines certain omissions within Textor’s portrayal of the history of philosophy of mind, notably the oversight of Freud and Du Bois-Reymond, and considers some general issues concerning Brentano’s understanding of the mind. In the subsequent third section, the paper advocates Mach’s neutral monism from an (...)
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  33. Extension and division: the ontological status of quantity in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.Elena Băltuță & Yael Kedar - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):223-228.
    1. Imagine that all our beliefs are organized as a web. Let us also imagine that there is a hierarchy among our beliefs. The stronger beliefs, located closer to the centre of the web, underpin the...
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  34. Continuity, limits, and quantity in Al-Fārābī’s paraphrase of Aristotle’s Categories.Yehuda Halper - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):229-243.
    Despite its position in an introductory work to logic, the account of continuity presented by Abū Naṣr Al-Fārābī in his paraphrase of Aristotle’s Categories is apparently even less accessible to the beginner than Aristotle’s original. This is in part because Al-Fārābī integrated elements of the accounts of continuity in Aristotle’s Physics and Metaphysics into an account mainly derived from Aristotle’s Categories. While Al-Fārābī’s account chiefly follows Aristotle’s Categories 6 in describing a continuous object that can be divided into parts with (...)
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  35. Quantifying Aristotelian essences: on some fourteenth-century applications of limit decision problems to the perfection of species.Sylvain Roudaut - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):325-348.
    This paper explores a specific problem within an important philosophical genre of the fourteenth century: the debates over the perfection of species. It investigates how the problem of defining limits for continuous magnitudes – a problem typical of Aristotelian physics – was integrated into these debates at the levels of genera, species, and individuals as these entities began to be conceptualized in quantitative terms. After explaining the emergence of this problem within fourteenth-century metaphysics, the paper examines the contributions of three (...)
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  36. Untangling Robert Grosseteste’s hylomorphism: matter, form, and bodiness.Nicola Polloni - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (2):244-263.
    During the thirteenth century, Aristotelian hylomorphism became the cornerstone of scholastic natural philosophy. However, this theory was fragmented into a plurality of interpretations and reformulations, sparking a rich philosophical debate. This article focuses on Robert Grosseteste (d. 1253), one of the earliest Latin philosophers to directly engage with Aristotle’s natural philosophy. Specifically, it delves into Grosseteste’s perspective on hylomorphism, emphasizing two controversial doctrines that characterized British scholasticism in the late thirteenth century: universal hylomorphism and formal pluralism. The former claims that (...)
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  37. A Mereological Reading of the Dictum de Omni et Nullo.Phil Corkum - 2025 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 107 (1):52-78.
    When Aristotle introduces the complete moods, he refers back to the dictum de omni et nullo, a semantic condition for universal affirmations and negations. There recently has been renewed interest in the question whether the dictum validates the assertoric syllogistic. I rehearse evidence that Aristotle provides a mereological semantics for universal affirmations and negations, and note that this semantics entails a nonstandard reading of the dictum, under which the dictum, in the presence of a minimal logical apparatus, indeed validates the (...)
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  38. Fragile sovereignty?Christopher Adair-Toteff - 2025 - History of European Ideas 51 (2):426-429.
    The title of Georg Essen’s recent book sounds like an oxymoron: Fragile Souveränität—how can ‘sovereignty’ be ‘fragile’? Sovereignty has been regarded as one of the strongest powers in the history...
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  39. The Universal Law of Balance: Preventing Poverty, Conflict, War, and the Misinterpretation of Religious Teachings.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
    The Universal Law of Balance: Preventing Poverty, Conflict, War, and the Misinterpretation of Religious Teachings -/- Introduction -/- Human civilization has long struggled with poverty, conflict, war, and social inequality, despite advancements in science, technology, and economic development. The root cause of these persistent problems is not simply a lack of resources but systemic imbalances caused by wrong decision-making—decisions based on false information, greed, corruption, short-term thinking, and rigid belief systems. -/- Among the most significant contributors to global imbalance is (...)
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  40. The Danger of Being in Authority Without Earning It.Angelito Malicse - manuscript
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  41. Whewell’s Fundamental Antithesis: A Lineage of Influence.Ragnar van der Merwe - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy.
    William Whewell’s 19th-century views are seldom given a prominent place in the history of the philosophy of science. There is, however, a key feature of his account that is, upon historical analysis, prescient of later developments, notably in pragmatism. Whewell calls this the “fundamental antithesis of philosophy”, which centres around the idea that there is no clear demarcation between subject and object (between mind and world or theory and fact). In this paper, I trace this notion’s genealogy. It originated with (...)
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  42. Secure Sharing of Personal Health Record in Cloud Environment.V. Tamilarasi E. Saranya - 2019 - International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 7 (2):532-536.
    In cloud secure personal data sharing is the important issues because it creates several securities and data confidentiality problem while accessing the cloud services. Many challenges present in personal data sharing such as data privacy protection, flexible data sharing, efficient authority delegation, computation efficiency optimization, are remaining toward achieving practical fine-grained access control in the Personal Health Information Sharing system. Personal health records must be encrypted to protect privacy before outsourcing to the cloud. Aiming at solving the above challenges, here (...)
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  43. The Unimaginability of Non-Human Minds.Jacob Browning - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (3):267-289.
    Kant's comments on animal minds have provoked radically different readings, with some contending animals have clear and distinct awareness of their world and others contending animals lack consciousness altogether. This paper argues that Kant's comments have received such divergent responses because, according to Kant, we inevitably slide into a deceptive anthropomorphism when talking about non-human minds. While Kant follows contemporaries, such as H.S. Reimarus, in arguing humans can only conceive of animal minds by analogy with their own, Kant's transcendental idealism (...)
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  44. John Duns Scotus's (Non)Naturalism about Goodness.Dan Kemp - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (3):251-265.
    G. E. Moore argued that goodness is not identical to any natural properties on the basis of the Open Question Argument. John Duns Scotus agrees, and for the same reason, at least with respect to transcendental being and goodness. Because it is not a “useless repetition” to say that being is goodness, or vice versa, they are not simply identical. Thus, Scotus rejects run-of-the-mill naturalism and avoids Moore's naturalistic fallacy. However, Scotus holds that “being is goodness,” and vice versa. He (...)
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  45. Christian Wolff's Analysis of Imputation and the Question of the “Taming of Philosophy”.Andreas Blank - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (3):207-225.
    Michael Della Rocca has claimed that using intuitions expressed in everyday language for philosophical purposes leads to a “taming of philosophy.” The present article uses an aspect of Christian Wolff's arguments from common notions as a test case for this claim. It is argued that arguments from common linguistic usage in Wolff's analysis of imputation allow for reasoned choices between competing philosophical theories and provide insights into aspects of social reality that are expressed in common notions. This is so because (...)
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  46. Pathos-lógos: Materiales en torno al decir (y callar) -somático- del sufrimiento / Pathos-lógos: Materials on the -somatic- saying (and silencing) of suffering.Fernando Gilabert - 2023 - In Francisco Romero & Manuel Santamaría, Alrededor de la psique. Reflexiones filosóficas sobre la psicopatología y su historia. Granada: Universidad de Granada. pp. 31-47.
    Se trata aquí de hablar de patologías, de sintomática, de un «afuera» de lo normativo. Se trata de lo extraño, del trastorno, de lo afectivo. Se trata aquí del rasgo manifiesto de lo externo cuando penetra en un presunto cosmos cerrado que, sin embargo, tiene infinidad de fugas. Se trata del decir de todo ello. Se trata del silencio acerca de eso mismo, a veces forzado. Porque se trata de la imposibilidad de expresarse, de decir, no del autor que aquí (...)
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  47. Inventing Knowledge: A Global & Historical Introduction to Philosophy.Emmie Malone - 2025 - OER.
    Inventing Knowledge: A Global & Historical Introduction to Philosophy is an open educational resource (OER) textbook designed for a cross-cultural historical-survey style Introduction to Philosophy course. While it was written with an undergraduate academic audience in mind, it should also be suitable for self-guided readers interested in philosophy. It covers ‘western' philosophy from the Presocratics of Ancient Greece through to the present day (and including the Islamic world). It also contains additional chapters on philosophy in India, China, Mesoamerica, and Africa. (...)
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  48. Attribution arguments and the metaphysics of immanent actions: cognitive acts from Peter John Olivi to Durand of St. Pourçain.André Martin - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-25.
    In this paper, I survey one of the key arguments used in Latin medieval psychology in favour of active views of cognition, from Peter John Olivi to Durand of St. Pourҁain. In broad terms, these ‘attribution arguments’, based on some appeal to other causal events or how we speak of them, argue that passive views of cognition have the absurd consequence that they misattribute our cognitive acts to things ultimately external to our intrinsic cognitive powers (viz., external objects or sensible/intelligible (...)
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  49. On Aristotle’s use of examples and how to read them.Gabriela Rossi - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-22.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold. One is to show that Aristotle’s study of examples in Prior Analytics (An. Pr.) and Rhetoric (Rh.) (and in particular the ‘comparison’ (parabole) described in Rh 2.20) is useful for philosophy and, moreover, it underlies Aristotle’s discussion of examples in several passages of his philosophical writings. The second is to show that in order to correctly understand the examples that Aristotle presents in his philosophical writings, it is crucial for the reader to successfully (...)
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  50. Dois Ensaios de Filosofia: Platão e Locke sob novas perspectivas - Mais Discussões pelas Ciências Humanas e Sociais.Marcelo Barboza Duarte - 2025
    A alegoria da caverna sob novas perspectivas: Platão, o “revolucionário,” o “rebelde,” o “subversivo” ou “uma proposta de revolta social platônica?” -/- The allegory of the cave from new perspectives: Plato, the “revolutionary,” the “rebel,” the “subversive” or “a proposal for a Platonic social revolt?” -/- La alegoría de la caverna desde nuevas perspectivas: Platón, ¿el «revolucionario», el «rebelde», el «subversivo» o «una propuesta de revuelta social platónica»? -/- Resumo: Muito se tem refletido e discorrido sobre Platão e suas obras. (...)
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