Croatian Journal of Philosophy

ISSNs: 1333-1108, 1847-6139

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  1.  2
    Intentions and Representations.Shaun Gallagher - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):367-379.
    Kathy Wilkes’s essays on explanations and representations, and especially her interaction with Daniel Dennett, raise questions about whether some notion of representation can explain action intention. Wilkes is not sure whether subpersonal representations are real, but she thinks that the most pragmatic strategy is to take the intentional stance and accept the usefulness of personal level intentions, even if we have to worry that this does not give us a scientific explanation. Wilkes’s skepticism about subpersonal representations, and even about the (...)
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    How is Content Externalism Characterized by Vehicle Externalists.Dunja Jutronić - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):351-366.
    Content externalism and vehicle externalism (what-externalism and how—externalism) or more commonly known as the thesis of extended mind, are said to be two totally independent views that ”diverge sharply” (Stanford encyclopedia). There are advocates, adversaries but also ag nostics about the extended mind thesis. The approach has been much debated and the controversies about vehicle externalism are importantly manifold. I am not going into any of them. My aim is different and fo cused on why and how content externalism is (...)
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    Human and Artificial Decision Making.Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):387-397.
    Machines can now match, or outperform, human performance in several reasoning and decision tasks. Some say that all that intelligence amounts to is smart computation. This is not a new thesis, dating back to Leibniz as well as Simon and Newell, but what is new is what smart means. Today it is identified with complex statistics and optimisation. Simon’s meaning, however, of smart rested on bounded rationality, a unified view of human and artificial decision making. This view was f l (...)
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  4.  15
    Concepts are Containers.Robert O’Shaughnessy & Mark Sprevak - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):333-350.
    In this paper, we propose and defend a theory of concepts. According to Machery (2009), psychologists and philosophers mean different things by ‘concept’. Psychologists mean bodies of knowledge used to categorise and infer; philosophers mean constituent of propositional thought. Machery’s conclusion would drive a wedge between contributions by psychologists and philosophers on concepts. Theories about the former would have no clear role to play in, and cast no light on, the latter, and vice versa. We argue that, on the contrary, (...)
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    Minds, Machines and Gödel.Zvonimir Šikić - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (72):381-386.
    A very popular argument for the difference between mind and machine are Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. Here we present some of the most famous such arguments, as well as their most famous criticisms. Finally, we offer our own reconstruction of the argument and show why it is not valid.
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    Miščević: Mental Models and More.James Robert Brown - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):147-153.
    This is a review discussion of Nenad Miščević’s stimulating new book, Thought Experiments (2022). His mental models account is of great importance in the various current debates about the nature of thought experiments. I discuss some of the pros and cons of his account.
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    Embedded Metaphor and Perspective Shifting.Gong Chen & Graham Stevens - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):255-272.
    Non-cognitivism is an approach to metaphor that denies the existence of any metaphorical meanings. A metaphor’s only meaning is its literal meaning. The interpretation of metaphor, on this approach, does not consist in metaphorical contents being communicated by being either semantically encoded or pragmatically communicated. Rather, metaphor operates in an entirely non-linguistic way that does not require the postulation of such meanings. Metaphors cause people to see connections, even to grasp new thoughts, but they do not do so by meaning (...)
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    Miščević On Thought Experiments.David Davies - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):163-171.
    I address two claims that Miščević makes in his book Thought Experiments. The first claim is that literary fictions belong to the broader category of what he terms “Imaginative Enactments in Thought” (IET’s), but are not TE’s properly understood. The second claim is that TE’s are indispensable to analytic philosophy. Both claims appeal to Miščević’s discussion in the opening chapter of what it is for something to be a TE. I argue for the following conclusions: (1) If TE’s are defined (...)
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    Propositions, Concepts, and the Fregean/Russellian Distinction.Dušan Dožudić - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):219-234.
    In this paper, I deal with recognising an appropriate criterion for distinguishing two competing conceptions of the propositional content among the content realists—the Fregean and the Russellian—especially in connection to some classical proponents of the realist view (Frege, Moore, and Russell). My starting point is a survey characterisation of the two conceptions and the accompanying classification of Russell’s and Moore’s conceptions of the propositional content, which I find problematic on several accounts. I set up a context for my consideration and (...)
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    A Sufficientarian Proposal for Discharging Our Moral Duties Towards Emigrants.Adelin-Costin Dumitru - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):295-318.
    In this article I investigate the nature of the moral duties that citizens of a legitimate state have towards emigrants. A large part of the literature dedicated to the normative study of the migration phenomenon focuses on two major topics: the brain drain phenomenon and the legitimacy of restricting immigrations. If the first of these concerns the moral obligations that individuals have towards a state and their co-nationals, the second regards the policies that a state can justifiably adopt in order (...)
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  11. Reclaiming Russellian Singular Thoughts.Heimir Geirsson - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):235-254.
    There is an important difference between a thought that is directed towards a particular object and a thought that is not so directed. For example, there is a difference in my thoughts about my brother, and my thoughts about brothers, more generally. The first has the earmarks of singular thought, while the latter does not. After showing that there is no agreement about the nature of singular thought, I revisit early Russell to find greater clarity. I then advance a version (...)
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  12.  8
    The Mystery of Intuition in Einstein’s Thought Experiments.Marko Grba - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):173-193.
    The role of intuition in understanding in general and in scientific understanding in particular is still very much a subject of a lively philosophical discussion. The role of intuition in thought experimenting is much disputed in its own right, and the arguments range from those that deny any substantial role of intuition in the final inference that the thought experiment is meant to illustrate (eg. Norton or Williamson) to the pivotal role some form of intuition might play (eg. Brown or (...)
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  13.  16
    Generative Linguistics and the Computational Level.Fintan Mallory - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):195-218.
    Generative linguistics is widely claimed to produce theories at the level of computation in the sense outlined by David Marr. Marr even used generative grammar as an example of a computational level theory. At this level, a theory specifi es a function for mapping one kind of information into another. How this function is computed is then specified at the algorithmic level before an account of how this is algorithm is realised by some physical system is presented at the implementation (...)
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  14.  12
    Thought Experiment as Bridge Between Science and Common Sense.James W. McAllister - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):155-161.
    This reflection on the recent work of Nenad Miščević on thought experiment pursues two themes. One is the congruence between the historical development of the practice of thought experiment in science over the centuries and the development of philosophical accounts of thought experiment. The second is the idea that thought experiment provides a point of contact between common-sense and scientific conceptions of particular phenomena.
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  15.  12
    Rationality and Intransitivity.Walter Veit - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):273-293.
    The axiom of transitivity has been challenged in economic theorizing for over seventy years. Yet, there does not seem to be any movement in economics towards removing classical rational choice models from introductory microeconomics books. The concept of rationality has similarly been employed in the cognitive sciences and biology, and yet, transitivity has here not only been shown to be violated, but also rationally so. Some economists have thus responded with attempts to develop alternative theories that give up on the (...)
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  16.  20
    The Dark Side of Cultural Sensitivity.Dorit Barchana-Lorand - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):113-130.
    In their discussion of the interpretation of the literary work of fiction, Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen explain that: “Literary appreciation is the appreciation of how a work interprets and develops the general themes which the reader identifies through the application of thematic concepts. […] The thematic concepts are, by themselves, vacuous. They cannot be separated from the way they are ‘anatomized’ in literature and other cultural discourses” (Lamarque and Olsen: 399). The subtle unravelling of the work’s thematic concepts (...)
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  17.  15
    Beyond Reading.Antonia Heigl - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):19-34.
    What does it mean to encounter a literary work of art? When we talk about them, we refer to literary works as characterizable entities. In a genuine encounter with a literary work, instead, our focus shifts to “what it is about”: we bring to mind the intentional objects it invites us to direct our attention to, typically through reading. If what we encounter is a work of art, however, we are invited to do something beyond that even, namely to attune (...)
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  18.  22
    Drawing Reflections.Antonia Kosena & Stelios Virvidakis - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):65-80.
    As part of a larger effort to explore the multiform relations between philosophy and literature—a research field that attracts growing attention— we focus on the philosophical aspects of literature. Our project tackles the subject of literature’s potential to generate knowledge. In our paper we intend to dwell on self-referential literature. This intriguing dimension of literary expression is associated with works in which self-reflective moves can be traced, that is, texts in which literary writing refers to and reflects on literature itself. (...)
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  19.  47
    Literary Interpretation is Not Just About Meaning.Peter Lamarque - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):3-17.
    The paper proposes a radical change of focus for understanding the fundamental purpose and value of literary interpretation. It criticises an orthodox view in analytical philosophy of literature, according to which theories of meaning in the philosophy of language, in particular Gricean or speech act or other pragmatic theories, offer the most illuminating way to grasp the relevant principles of interpretation. The argument here is that the application of such theories in this context is not just wrong in detail (this (...)
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  20.  30
    Social Science as a Kind of Writing.Rafe McGregor & Reece Burns - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):97-112.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold: to argue for the value of (1) social science as part of the intellectual activity of writing (rather than righting) and (2) the practice of fiction to that intellectual activity. Writing is a mode of representation that eludes our complete and objective knowledge and always remains partial and temporary. While righting, in contrast, is concerned with the absolute truth and the revelation of the right answer. This paper argues that writing is a more (...)
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  21.  17
    Intimations of a Lyricism sans Subject.Alex Obrigewitsch - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):35-52.
    The lyric is a form or genre of poetry often intimately related to subjectivity. But is a lyricism divested of the subject possible? By examining the philosophical refl ections of Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe upon lyricism, poetry, and their relation to subjectivity, this article explicates how an impersonal lyricism is not only possible, but perhaps necessary. If we wish to do justice to the phrasing or saying of poetic language, then we must endeavour to think the displacement of the subject in and (...)
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  22.  26
    Aesthetic Value of Immoral Fictions.Elisa Paganini - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):53-63.
    Can one have an aesthetically valuable experience of fiction that takes an immoral perspective? Some have argued that one can. However, some important objections have been raised against this idea. Two objections are: that the immorality involved is confined to fictional reality, and that the aesthetic value of immoral fiction is dictated by a pluralistic attitude that not everyone accepts. My aim is to respond to these challenges and to argue, on the basis of two examples, that even an unlimited (...)
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  23.  30
    Escaping Fiction.Nellie Wieland - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (70):81-96.
    In this paper I argue that a norm of literary fiction is to compel the reader to form beliefs about the world as it is. It may seem wrong to suggest that the reason I believe p is because I imagined p, yet literary fiction can make this the case. I argue for an account grounded in indexed doxastic susceptibilities mapped between a fictional context and the particular properties of a reader, more specifically the susceptibilities in her beliefs, attitudes, and (...)
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