Ethics, Policy and Environment

ISSNs: 2155-0085, 2155-0093

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  1. Hope in an Illiberal Age? [REVIEW]Mark R. Reiff - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 2024 (1):1-9.
    In this commentary on Darrel Moellendorf’s Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change & Global Poverty (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), I discuss his use of the precautionary principle, whether his hope for climate-friendly ‘green growth’ is realistic given the tendency for inequality to accelerate as it gets higher, and what I call his assumption of a liberal baseline. That is, I worry that the audience to whom the book is addressed are those who already accept the environmental and economic values to which (...)
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  2.  19
    Preserving the Preservation of Opportunity Principle.Michael Carrick - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):371-385.
    In Living Well Now and in the Future: Why Sustainability Matters, Randall Curren and Ellen Metzger formulate an ethics of sustainability, conceptually connecting sustainability with ongoing opportunities for people to live well. Part of the sustainability ethics they develop is a principle called the Preservation of Opportunity Principle. My goal in this paper is to analyze the Preservation of Opportunity Principle, and amend the principle in light of certain considerations that are not at the forefront of Curren and Metzger’s project. (...)
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  3.  24
    Normative Uncertainty in Solar Climate Engineering Research Governance.Benjamin Hofbauer - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):451-470.
    This paper explores what kind of uncertainty a research program governing solar climate engineering through Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) needs to account for. Specifically, it tries to answer two central issues with regards to SAI research and it’s ethical evaluation: One, what irreducible uncertainties remain throughout the decision-process, and, two, how do these remaining uncertainties affect the ethical evaluation of SAI research. The main assumption is that decisions on SAI research governance will be made under normative uncertainty, i.e. situations under (...)
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  4.  42
    The Ethics of Unintentional Geoengineering.Alexander Lee & Marc Shapiro - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):471-475.
    Geoengineering, or the large-scale human intervention in earth’s climate systems, offers a potentially feasible and cost-effective response to climate change (Vaughan & Lenton, 2011). It also raise...
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  5.  34
    Externalities and the Limits of Pigovian Policies.Rebecca Livernois - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):428-450.
    Pigovian policy is developed in economic theory as an efficient resolution to externality problems. The use of this type of policy to resolve real-world externality problems, including climate change in the form of carbon taxes, assumes that the Pigovian policy result derived in theory holds in the real world. By examining the bridging conditions from theory to the real world, I argue that this assumption holds only in an ambiguously defined subset of externalities. It is thus unclear when Pigovian policy (...)
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  6.  40
    Environmental Neologisms Through the Lens of the Virtue Ethics of Catholicism and Stoicism.María Carmen Molina & Kai Whiting - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):386-413.
    The complexity and emotional/psychological responses to the environmental challenges of the 21st century has led to the coining and development of new words and concepts that, for some people, better describe how they are personally grappling with anthropogenic ecosystem damage and climate breakdown. This paper identifies some of the more commonly used environmental neologisms within scholarly literature and evaluates their usefulness and contradictions for those influenced by the virtue ethics promoted by the ancient Stoics and the Catholic Church. We find (...)
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    Exploring Intergenerational Climate Resilience: A Basic Needs-Based Conception.Daniel Petz - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):299-315.
    This paper situates the concept of resilience in the context of intergenerational climate justice. It argues that overlooking intergenerational justice questions when it comes to resilience can lead to blind-spots in resilience-building policies. Introducing a sufficientarian basic needs-based conception of justice, it explores the relationship between distributive justice and resilience, linking person-based justice accounts to community- and/or society-based resilience accounts. Based on these discussions, it develops a conception of intergenerational climate resilience and a policy matrix that can assist in assessing (...)
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  8.  30
    Eco-relational Pluralism: Political Liberalism’s Challenge to the Economic Growth Imperative.Manuel Rodeiro - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):316-332.
    Rawls theorizes principles of justice as defining a ‘pact of reconciliation’ between diverse conceptions of the good. What does fulfillment of this pact entail when reasonable pluralism is recognized as having an environmental dimension? Fair acknowledgment of the plurality of citizens’ relationships with the natural world challenges the neutrality of aims conventionally used to justify ecocide, including the promotion of economic growth and development. This paper explores how ecocide constitutes a violation of equal basic liberties and state neutrality as per (...)
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  9.  25
    Using Plant Biotechnology to Save ʻŌhiʻa Lehua: Western and Indigenous Conservation Perspectives.Yasha Rohwer - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):414-427.
    The ʻōhiʻa lehua is an ecologically and culturally important Hawaiian tree. It is currently threatened by two exotic fungal pathogens. One potential way to save the tree may be to genetically modify it. In this paper I consider two different metaphysical perspectives on ʻōhiʻa lehua – western conservation and Indigenous Hawaiian conservation. I will argue that a possible intervention using plant biotechnology appears value-supporting from each perspective. Hence, it is a morally permissible strategy to pursue. Finally, I argue that given (...)
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  10.  57
    Ubuntu and the Problem of Belonging.Olusegun Steven Samuel - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):350-370.
    This paper proposes an original ubuntu-inspired account of human-animal moral status for engaging the problem of belongingness—the ethico-ecological community view. This account embodies two integrated features: locatedness and relationality. While locatedness prompts us to attend to the embeddedness of beings in the built and natural environment, relationality allows the discussion to focus on human-nonhuman interdependencies. I argue that a deep sense of both features prompts us to move the moral status conversation away from capacities to a non-capacity-based approach, thereby helping (...)
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    (1 other version)Towards a Practical Climate Ethics: Combining Two Approaches to Guide Ethical Decision-Making in Concrete Climate Governance Contexts.Anthony Voisard & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):333-349.
    This paper discusses two approaches to climate ethics for practical reflection and decision-making in concrete local climate change governance. After a brief review of the main conceptual frameworks in climate ethics research, we show that none of these leading approaches is sufficiently context specific and pluralistic to provide guidance appropriate for concrete local climate governance. As alternatives, we present principlism as a methodology of mid-level principles and environmental pragmatism as an ethical approach. We argue that the two methodologies of principlism (...)
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  12.  34
    Norms of Species Translocation 50 Years After the Ethic of Organic Diversity.Colby J. Clark - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):271-279.
    From island biogeography theory, the ethic of organic diversity was posited as a precept to guide applied biogeography. It states that humanity must act in such a way as to reduce the rate of worldwide species extinction for an indefinite period of time. Almost 50 years later, the ethic of organic diversity remains relevant in the context of the debate over species translocation practices. Ultimately, matters of biodiversity conservation are too complex to expect an exceptionless moral framework to determine whether (...)
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  13.  75
    Beyond Intrinsic and Instrumental: Third-Category Value in Environmental Ethics and Environmental Policy.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):166-188.
    Values have always tended to play a central role in discourse on the environment, a tendency which is currently particularly evident in the biodiversity context. Traditionally, arguments about the environment have invoked instrumental value to highlight the necessity or utility of a healthy environment for people and intrinsic value to emphasize the importance of protecting nature for its own sake. More recently, this value dichotomy has been challenged, and the notion of a third value category – relational value – has (...)
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  14.  28
    (1 other version)Limited Aggregation for Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts.Matthias Eggel & Angela K. Martin - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):147-165.
    Human-wildlife interactions frequently lead to conflicts – about the fair use of natural resources, for example. Various principled accounts have been proposed to resolve such interspecies conflicts. However, the existing frameworks are often inadequate to the complexities of real-life scenarios. In particular, they frequently fail because they do not adequately take account of the qualitative importance of individual interests, their relative importance, and the number of individuals affected. This article presents a limited aggregation account designed to overcome these shortcomings and (...)
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  15.  41
    What the Heck Cattle Have to Do with Environmentalism: Rewilding and the Continuous Project of the Human Management of Nature.Eric Katz - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):227-249.
    In the 1920s and 1930s, an attempt was made to resurrect the aurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius), the extinct wild ancestor of contemporary domestic cattle. The back-bred species that was produced are called ‘Heck cattle’. I argue that the attempt to create the Heck cattle as a form of resurrected aurochs, and their subsequent use in rewilding projects (as in the Oostvaardersplassen in the Netherlands) is a prime example of the continuous human project of the domination of nature. The consideration of (...)
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  16.  59
    Synthetic Biology and the Goals of Conservation.Christopher Hunter Lean - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):250-270.
    The introduction of new genetic material into wild populations, using novel biotechnology, has the potential to fortify populations against existential threats, and, controversially, create wild genetically modified populations. The introduction of new genetic variation into populations, which will have an ongoing future in areas of conservation interest, complicates long-held values in conservation science and park management. I discuss and problematize, in light of genetic intervention, what I consider the three core goals of conservation science: biodiversity, ecosystem services, and wilderness. This (...)
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  17.  41
    Southern Resident Orca Conservation: Practical, Ethical, and Political Issues.Samantha Muka & Chris Zarpentine - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):189-204.
    This article focuses on practical, ethical and political issues that arise in the context of cetacean conservation. Our point of departure is the controversy surrounding plans to assist J50, an ailing member of the southern resident orca population, during the summer of 2018. A brief history of cetacean captivity provides context for the current backlash against captivity. We then argue that, in many cases, interventions aimed at capture, rehabilitation and release are practically feasible and that such interventions are ethically justifiable. (...)
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  18.  51
    The Concept of Extinction: Epistemology, Responsibility, and Precaution.Fenner Stanley Tanswell - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):205-226.
    Extinction is a concept of rapidly growing importance, with the world currently in the sixth mass extinction event and a biodiversity crisis. However, the concept of extinction has itself received surprisingly little attention from philosophers. I will first argue that in practice there is no single unified concept of extinction, but instead that its usage divides between descriptive, epistemic, and declarative concepts. I will then consider the epistemic challenges that arise in ascertaining whether a species has gone extinct, and how (...)
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  19.  61
    Using Synthetic Biology to Avert Runaway Climate Change: A Consequentialist Appraisal.Daniele Fulvi & Josh Wodak - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):89-107.
    We attempt to justify the use of synthetic biology in response to the climate crisis, based on the premise that it is impossible to avert runaway climate change without sequestering sufficient greenhouse gases (GHG), which could only become possible through Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs). Then, moving from a consequentialist standpoint, we acquiesce to how the consequences of using NETs through synthetic biology are preferable to the catastrophic consequences of runaway climate change. In conclusion, we show how our analysis of synthetic (...)
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  20.  50
    Accounting for Future Generations in Energy Ethics: The Case for Temporalized Ethical Matrices.Céline Kermisch & Christophe Depaus - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):30-47.
    Accounting for future generations is central in energy ethics and the ethical matrix can be used to reveal ethical impacts on them. However, the way it integrates future generations is questionable. The aim of this paper is to show why this tool does not consider ethical impacts on future generations appropriately and to propose a novel temporalized framework, which characterizes future people according to temporal, spatial and role features. By stimulating the disclosure of intergenerational conflicts, this temporalized matrix provides support (...)
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  21.  41
    Thinking about Hope, Vision, and Mobilization with Darrel Moellendorf’s Mobilizing Hope.John M. Meyer - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):108-111.
    Darrel Moellendorf places hope at the core of his call for climate-change vision and action, positing a ‘hopeful vision of a sustainable and prosperous world’ committed to ‘green growth’ – along th...
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  22.  56
    Mobilizing Hope Against Pessimism and Plutocracy.Darrel Moellendorf - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):129-145.
    This paper offers responses to the challenges and questions rasied by the comments of John M. Meyer, Gwen Ottinger, Mark Reiff, and Steve Vanderheiden to my book Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty. Their concerns are insightful, many, and varied. My reply focuses on the following themes: The relationship between moral concern about climate change and moral concern abut global poverty, the role of hope in responding to climate change, the problem of plutocratic influences in democratic politics and international (...)
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  23.  30
    All I Ask of You.Gwen Ottinger - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):112-115.
    Mobilizing Hope asks that we take the eradication of poverty as morally mandatory, that we pursue technological development, and that we act on the belief that it is possible to do both of those things at once. It resolutely does not ask that we redefine prosperity in other-than-economic terms, reconsider the binary between “human” and “nature,” question financialization, colonialism, or other root causes of global poverty, accept qualitatively different lifestyles, or endure painful transitions. While this may seem strategic, I argue (...)
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  24.  48
    Hope Springs Eternal?Steve Vanderheiden - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):125-128.
    As Darrel Moellendorf observes in Mobilizing Hope, climate change and poverty are intertwined in various ways, including the facts that climate impacts threaten to exacerbate global poverty as well...
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  25.  54
    Understanding Feasibility of Climate Change Goals and Actions.Anna Döhlen Wedin - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):48-62.
    Climate change goals and actions are often discussed with reference to their feasibility. However, in the climate change literature, there is no agreed upon understanding of what feasibility means. In this paper, insights from political philosophy are used to address this problem in a two-fold way. First, different uses of the term feasibility in the climate change context are critically analyzed, surfacing problematic uses that can have severe consequences for what goals or actions are considered. Second, the ‘conditional probability account (...)
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  26.  47
    Rationing and Climate Change Mitigation.Nathan Wood, Rob Lawlor & Josie Freear - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (1):1-29.
    In this paper, we argue that rationing has been neglected as a policy option for mitigating climate change. There is a broad scientific consensus that avoiding the most severe impacts of climate change requires a rapid reduction in global emissions. We argue that rationing could help states reduce emissions rapidly and fairly. Our arguments in this paper draw on economic analysis and historical research into rationing in the UK during (and after) the two world wars, highlighting success stories and correcting (...)
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  27. (1 other version)‘Relational Values’ is Neither a Necessary nor Justified Ethical Concept.Patrik Baard - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 1 (1).
    ‘Relational value’ (RV) has intuitive credibility due to the shortcomings of existing axiological categories regarding recognizing the ethical relevance of people’s relations to nature. But RV is justified by arguments and analogies that do not hold up to closer scrutiny, which strengthens the assumption that RV is redundant. While RV may provide reasons for ethically considering some relations, much work remains to show that RV is a concept that does something existing axiological concepts cannot, beyond empirically describing relations people have (...)
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  28.  25
    A Kantian Justification of Fair Shares: Climate Ethics and Imperfect Duties.Tijn Milan Smits - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment:1-19.
    The debate surrounding individual climate duties is divided between collectivists and unilateralists. The fair shares argument is the most influential unilateralist position. In this paper, I demonstrate how a Kantian approach could solve three problems the fair share argument faces. Firstly, the Kantian focus on an agent’s will avoids skepticism regarding the causal connections between individual actions and climate effects. Secondly, a Kantian argument for the imperfect duty to minimally restrict our emissions to an equal share justifies egalitarian fair shares. (...)
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