Acta Comeniana

ISSN: 0231-5955

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  1.  18
    The familiar style of latin humanist correspondence: the case of johannes sambucus (1531–1584) [Johannes sambucus (1531–1584) a důvěrný styl v latinské humanistické korespondenci]. [REVIEW]G. Almási - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:9-26.
    This article provides an introduction to the history of the familiar letter along with a case study of Johannes Sambucus’s correspondence. It compares the Latin to the vernacular familiar letter in the sixteenth century, stressing their paral-lel development and mutual influence and the difficulties of achieving the level of privacy, naturalness, spontaneity and directness that was typically expected of a “conversation halved”, i.e. the familiar letter. Although in theory the use of the vernacular enabled the letter writer to be more (...)
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  2.  13
    Cultures of evidence, jan amos comenius and paradigms of interpretation: A discussion of lenka Řezníková’s new book [Kultury evidence, jan amos komenský a interpretační paradigmata. Diskuse o nové knize lenky řezníkové].J. Horský - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:121-142.
    This review article is a discussion of some of the conclusions in Lenka Řezníková’s book Ad majorem evidentiam. Literární reprezentace „zřejmého“ v textech J. A. Komen-ského [Ad majorem evidentiam: Literary Representations of the Obvious in the Works of Johann Amos Comenius]. Řezníková gives an extensive and precise analysis of Comenius’s work in relation to the notion of “evidence”, or to a textual and discursive “production” of evidence. It is necessary to differentiate the two meanings of “evidence”: evidence in actual consciousness (...)
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  3.  10
    Multilingual practices in the texts of friedrich menius, the first professor of history and antiquities at the early modern university of dorpat (Academia gustaviana) [Vícejazyčnost v textech friedricha menia, prvního profesora historie a starožitností na dorpatské univerzitě (Academia gustaviana)].K. Kriisa - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:57-78.
    Friedrich Menius, a German humanist, historian and hermet-icist who called himself “Mercury” because of his permanent exile from Germany to what is today Latvia and then to the provincial town of Dorpat in northern Livonia and later Sweden and his self-identification as a deliverer of education and literature to barbaric Eastern Europe, can surely be considered one of the most productive and distinguished professors at the early modern University of Dorpat. Within a short period in Dorpat, he produced more texts (...)
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  4.  9
    Formal, scholarly and familiar styles in the correspondence between bohuslav balbín and alois hackenschmidt (1664–1667) [Formální, učenecký a důvěrný styl v korespondenci bohuslava balbína a aloise hackenschmidta z let 1664–1667]. [REVIEW]O. Podavka - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:103-117.
    The article deals with a period in the correspondence between the Jesuit Bohuslav Balbín and Alois Hackenschmidt, the canon of Teplá monastery and a secretary to Abbot Rajmund Wilfert. To this end, it draws on 80 surviving letters from this era which supported the flow of information between the scholars and their cooperation. This surviving correspondence also illuminates several of Balbín’s works and their reception. Apart from the content of these letters, I discuss their style and pay particular attention to (...)
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  5.  13
    Building bonds of scholarly love: Changing rhetorical strategies in comenius’s correspondence during the 1630s1 [Pouta učenecké lásky: Proměny rétorických strategií v korespondenci j. a. komenského ze třicátých let 17. století]. [REVIEW]L. Storchová - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:79-102.
    The article deals with changes in the epistolary style of Jan Amos Comenius during the 1630s – the period in which Comenius expanded his epistolary networks and became an important figure in the Republic of Letters of that time. The au-thor analyses how Comenius fashioned himself and how he changed his rhetorical strategies when approaching various groups of scholars. Comenius was concise, firm and self-confident in his correspondence with German educatio-nal reformers. When it came to his confessional opponents, however, he (...)
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  6.  12
    The learned correspondence between early modern oriental scholars: The case of christoph crinesius and sebastian tengnagel1 [Učená korespondence mezi raněnovověkými orientalisty na příkladu christopha crinesia a sebastiana tengnagela].M. Vaculínová - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:47-56.
    Originating in Horní Slavkov in West Bohemia, Christoph Crinesius belonged to a close-knit group of experts on Oriental languages. The small collection of his surviving letters to Sebastian Tengnagel, a librarian at the Viennese court library, begins during Crinesius’s studies at the university in Wittenberg where he later worked as a lecturer. This fragmentary correspondence not only reveals new facts about Crinesius’s life but also tracks his search for employment that would enable him to continue his studies of Oriental languages. (...)
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  7.  13
    Rhetorical strategies in the correspondence between johannes caselius and the livonian humanist david hilchen [Rétorické strategie v korespondenci johanna caselia s livonským humanistou davidem hilchenem].K. Viiding - 2019 - Acta Comeniana 33:27-45.
    This case study of the correspondence between the German humanist Johannes Caselius and Livonian humanist David Hilchen demonstrates the decisive importance of rhetorical strategies in humanist correspondence around the turn of the 17th century. These strategies clearly depended on the social positions, ages and occupations of the correspondents, and they changed constantly, especially in long-running correspondences. The older correspondent initially reflected on his younger counterpart’s deeds, adapting the style and rhetoric of his letters to the level of his younger partner, (...)
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