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    To Stand Being.Lucas Rossi Corcoran - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):87-111.
    ABSTRACT Little has been said about Martin Heidegger’s influence on Latin American philosophy. This article addresses this oversight by investigating how twentieth-century Argentine philosopher Rodolfo Kusch uses ser and estar and the formula estar-siendo to dethrone Heidegger’s famed Dasein. Drawing on estar’s etymological roots in the semantic element, Kusch recovers a phenomenological tradition rooted in the Greek histemi instead of the on of “ontology.” To champion Kusch’s phenomenology, this article borrows from analytic philosophy. Beginning in the words’ semantics, this article (...)
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    The Openness of the Future: A Phenomenological Account.Yazan Freij - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):25-40.
    ABSTRACT This article develops a phenomenological account to characterize the openness of the future. More specifically, showing that phenomenological experience is necessary to derive the belief that the future is open by adopting a realist reading of phenomenology where our experience can be used to speculate beyond the thought-world correlation postulated by Quentin Meillassoux and show that this openness is best captured as an indeterminacy of the future itself. This indeterminacy of the future is the indeterminacy of which events are (...)
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    Rortian Solidarity in José Revueltas’s Carceral Novels.Sergio Armando Gallegos-Ordorica - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):41-57.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the two carceral novels (The Walls of Water and The Hole) of the Mexican philosopher, writer and labor activist José Revueltas using as a lens Richard Rorty’s views on solidarity—particularly, Rorty’s views on what solidarity consists in, how it is developed and the effects it has, and this article argues that, if Rorty’s views on solidarity are correct, Revueltas’s carceral novels have a remarkable ability to expand our solidarity in virtue of their raw portrayal of the (...)
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  4. Gender Indoctrination.Mary Magada-Ward - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):58-69.
    ABSTRACT This article explores the phenomenon of stay-at-home daughterhood to demonstrate how this practice provides a stark contrast to the requirements and rewards of genuine education. It does so, the article argues, both through its dependence upon isolation and indoctrination and its allegiance to conceptions of femininity and masculinity that reveal themselves to be uninhabitable, the latter by trying to cultivate an impossible aspiration to omnipotence and the former by violating what Peirce identifies as “the sole rule of reason,” which (...)
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    The Postmodern Autobiography: A Critique of Seeking Recognition from the Self.Ursula Roessiger - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):70-86.
    ABSTRACT Jean-Jacques Rousseau is widely credited as the originator of the modern autobiography. To the contemporary reader, his work in the Confessions is a familiar exer-cise in self-discovery and self-evaluation. Rousseau’s project is a courageous one: to lay bare the inner and often secret history of the self and share this revelation with the world. It is this project that was to change the way the individual communed with themselves and additionally changed the way the individual presented themselves to others. (...)
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    Atmosphere in Pragmatism.Richard Shusterman - 2025 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 39 (1):1-24.
    ABSTRACT The concept of atmosphere is now central within phenomenology, critical theory, and hermeneutics, but it has not yet played a similarly significant role in contemporary pragmatism. Part of the problem is that the term “atmosphere” is not especially salient in classical pragmatism, though the ideas encompassed by that term do play an important role there. This article explores some important ways that classical pragmatist philosophy deploys the ambiguous, polyvalent, and lexically multiple notion of atmosphere. Along with its primary scientific (...)
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