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  1.  1
    Strategies of Normative Ambivalence in Critical Theories of Recognition for the Decolonised Diagnosis of Conflict and Oppression.Christopher Allsobrook - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):1-20.
    A context of protracted postcolonial misrecognition and social injustice brought most of the contributors to this special issue together. This context raises an acute awareness of the ideological limitations not only of the dominant normative frameworks of recognition, developed by social and political theorists such as Axel Honneth, Nancy Fraser, and Charles Taylor, but of the African philosophical conceptions of recognition represented by ubuntu. What is the ethical or normative status of the insights into social ontology that we find in (...)
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    Seeing beyond Being Seen.Colby Dickinson - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):98-112.
    As biological taxonomists have only recently begun to acknowledge, humanity is stuck in a tension between its myriad social, cultural, political and religious cosmologies – its various umwelten – and the desire for rational, scientific classification. What does it mean that the rational logics of classifications that we so readily employ to recognise the reality before our eyes cannot account for the passionate attachments that exceed any categorical identifications and actually make us who we are, because these are the lives (...)
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    Creolising the State?Jane Anna Gordon - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):161-182.
    While the Euromodern model of the nation-state has been the subject of unremitting, exhaustive and merited political criticism, this article advances an anti-anti-statism. Oriented by warnings of theorists who have advanced plurinational states, creolising the nation, separating states from nations and abolishing the state, I turn to Fanon's insistence that states be re-envisioned beyond Cold War alternatives and narrowing nationalisms; Cabral's modelling of political unity on an effective football team; and Gyekye's suggestion of deliberately forging meta-national states. I argue that (...)
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    Navigating the ‘Ideology of Eros’ in the Politics of Recognition.Andrea Hurst - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):78-97.
    This article discusses Charles Taylor's analysis of the ‘politics of recognition’, which reveals that the major versions of the latter share an ideological conception of Eros as a binding, unifying force. Such striving for oneness is seen as key to forming harmonious, just communities and nations, and ultimately global cohesion. I refer to this as the ‘ideology of Eros’. However, Taylor highlights an ironically divisive opposition concerning how to realise such oneness, based on incompatible foundational principles: ‘sameness’ and ‘difference’. Instead (...)
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    I See You, You See Me.Lindsay Kelland - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):113-135.
    In this article, I explore the potential of reciprocal relations of recognition of epistemic agency to respond to calls to transform pedagogical practice in the South African academy and, in particular, to disrupt ongoing epistemic injustice in the academy. First, I put forward a picture of recognition as a practice underpinned by an attitude of playful self-discipline and spend some time elucidating what this attitude involves. Second, I turn to a description of epistemic agents as socially and historically situated knowers (...)
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    Advancing the Recognition of Women in African Philosophy.Dimpho Takane Maponya - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):59-77.
    In this article, I examine the marginalisation of women, specifically in African philosophy, with the aim of cautioning and inspiring a reconfiguration of African philosophy that takes seriously the discourse of gender as it does the discourse of race. I employ Charles Taylor's notion of recognition to understand some of the effects of a lack of recognition, which I then extend to the lack of recognition of women in African philosophy. I present this understanding against the background of the ongoing (...)
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    Rescuing the Utility of Hegelian Recognition from Ambivalence.Olerato K. Mogomotsi - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):21-39.
    Axel Honneth's earlier conception of recognition as an ethical ideal has received significant critique from feminist Foucauldian critical theorists, such as Judith Butler, Lois McNay and Amy Allen, for undermining how recognition can often be a conduit for subordination. As a result, there has been an increasing ambivalence about the nature of recognition in the critical theory literature. Seeing that the ambivalence critiques may engender scepticism around the utility of recognition in critical theory, this article seeks to counteract this scepticism. (...)
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    Recognition of Animal Pain.Abraham Olivier - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):136-160.
    Animal pain and suffering is mostly caused by humans, particularly by the human use of domestic animals. This calls for the recognition of animal pain and suffering. My focus is on pain-related suffering. I argue for recognition in the phenomenological sense of giving adequate regard to pain experience in animals and their capacity to express it in their own species-specific terms, in a way that will motivate us to prevent it. My advocacy for the recognition of pain in animals consequently (...)
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    Fanon on Recognition and Solidarity.Pedro Tabensky - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):40-58.
    Frantz Fanon's revolutionary psychiatry aimed to help constitute a postcolonial Algeria that recognised the humanity of all its members and, more widely, a Third World liberated of the shackles of colonial misrecognition. Fanon offers us an account of how a politics of misrecognition can give way to a politics of recognition. However, the violent means by which he thought a society guided by the ideal of mutual recognition could be achieved from the remnants of a colonial order cannibalised his democratic (...)
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    The Biopolitics of COVID-19.Charles Amo-Agyemang - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (180):49-76.
    This article is heavily inspired by Michel Foucault's lectures on biopolitical power over life as a starting point for thinking about contemporary global response to COVID-19. The article examines how the government of Ghana deployed biopolitical interventions in response to the pandemic. COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the biopolitics of the current moment, demonstrating the levels of intrusiveness that state power structures have on biological life of the population. The article theorises that the government of Ghana's response to the pandemic indicates (...)
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  11. Tame the Name.Amin Heidari - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (180):23-48.
    This article examines two mechanisms in treating Persian names in English-speaking contexts: name projection and name adoption. The article adopts Edward Said's Orientalism, noting Western-centric naming and colonial division with Western superiority. The treatment of the Oriental name will be discussed within the frame of linguistic Orientalism which refers to the portrayal or study of Eastern languages and cultures through the lens of Western superiority or exoticisation. Previously, this mindset projected the coloniser's preferred names onto the territory and individuals of (...)
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  12.  7
    Political Ontology and Emancipation in Castoriadis and Laclau–Mouffe.David Sánchez Piñeiro - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (180):1-22.
    Cornelius Castoriadis’ The Imaginary Institution of Society and Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's Hegemony and Socialist Strategy are two cornerstones of contemporary political philosophy. Insufficient consideration has been given to the fact that both works show important theoretical coincidences in terms of structure and content. The first part of this article explores the possibility of reading Castoriadis’ work in post-foundational terms, following Oliver Marchart's approach. In addition, the respective political ontologies of Castoriadis and Laclau and Mouffe are presented as ‘ontologies (...)
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    Weapons of Theory.Ludvig Sunnemark & Fredrik Sunnemark - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (180):77-102.
    This article critically engages with central tenets of decolonial thought. While sympathetic to decolonial thought's anti-colonialism and critique of Eurocentric universalism, the article argues that decolonial thought's understanding(s) of knowledge relies on an essentialising centralisation of origins and roots. Against decolonial thought's assertion that a knowledge's relevance for anti-colonial struggle results from its position of exteriority vis-á-vis colonial systems of domination, the article suggests that we need to look at the dialectical and hybrid processes through which bodies of knowledge are (...)
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  14.  13
    Disruptive Emotions and Affective Injustice Within an African-Inspired Relational Ethics.Mary Carman - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (179):28-52.
    Forms of African relational ethics that prioritise the value of harmony struggle to accommodate arguably valuable disharmony, such as disruptive emotions like anger. A wider literature on political emotions has defended the value of such emotions and even proposed that a particular form of injustice, affective injustice, can arise if we fail to create space for them. While it has recently been proposed that Thaddeus Metz's African-inspired relational moral theory can accommodate disruptive emotions and address affective injustice, in this philosophical (...)
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    Philosophy Education and the Reconstruction of Subjectivity and Modernity in Africa.Fasil Merawi - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (179):108-128.
    The article explores the role that can be played by philosophy education in terms of addressing the crisis of subjectivity and modernity in Africa. Philosophy education in Africa can play the function of liberating Africans from alien modalities of existence and ways of being, and in return embarking on a new journey of self-invention. Without succumbing to a reactive epistemic nationalism that identifies the totality of European philosophy with the ideologies of colonialism, there is a need to develop a form (...)
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    Civic Friendship, Capabilities and Affiliation.Ana Gavran Miloš & Nebojša Zelič - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (179):53-76.
    In The New Religious Intolerance, Martha Nussbaum addresses rising intolerance and fear of difference in contemporary societies. She suggests overcoming these issues through ethical consistency, equality, and the cultivation of sympathetic imagination. Nussbaum views this imaginative engagement as a form of civic friendship essential for societal transformation. However, we argue that her concept of civic friendship is problematic. First, Nussbaum's criteria do not suffice to define friendship. Second, this thin concept of civic friendship is unlikely to achieve the societal transformation (...)
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    Revisiting Badiou's Theory of the Political Subject.Walter Rech - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (179):77-107.
    This article argues that Alain Badiou's theory of the subject offers conceptual resources that help make sense of ordinary life-experiences of ‘evental moments’ and enable the critique of hypertrophic forms of political or corporate agency. The article identifies a set of ideas through which Badiou's philosophy contributes to much-needed emancipatory thinking today. As it investigates the notions of horlieu and the event, the article stresses that true political change requires the emancipation of the ‘quasi-totality’, something that ‘reactive’ political or corporate (...)
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  18.  3
    Wolfgang Streeck on the Origins of Capitalist Crisis.Samuel Sadian - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (179):1-27.
    Shortly after the financial crisis of 2008, Wolfgang Streeck emerged as a highly influential and ambitious critical theorist of capitalism and crisis. Streeck's crisis theory of capitalism is built around an account of neoliberal policy reform as a family of responses to economic upheavals that first emerged during the 1970s. Based on an analysis of four major shocks all occurring in that decade, I argue that Streeck's crisis theory is excessively economistic in its understanding of the crisis tendencies that first (...)
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    Biopolitical Leviathan.Lars Erik Løvaas Gjerde - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (178):48-74.
    The coronavirus pandemic made the biopolitics of infection control the core object of states around the world. Globally, states governed spheres usually free of state control, implementing various restrictions, closing down society in the process. This is possible due to the state's capacities to act through and over society, grounded in the state's powers. I argue that while the pandemic has led to useful and interesting state-centric Foucauldian literature on the politics of COVID-19, this literature has not fully taken the (...)
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    Opening the Black Box of Urban Development.Steven Robins & Laurin Baumgardt - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (178):24-47.
    This article focuses on efforts by indigenous activists to oppose a mega-development in the middle of the Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) at the River Club site in Observatory, Cape Town. In the article we argue that, even though the mega-development ultimately went ahead, intense contestation surrounding Khoi cultural heritage contributed towards opening up the ‘black box’ of urban development in Cape Town, as well as pressuring the developers to accommodate some of the demands of indigenous activists and environmentalists. We (...)
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  21.  16
    Retheorising Civil Disobedience in the Context of the Marginalised.Simon Stevens - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (178):1-23.
    This article proposes a retheorisation of Rawlsian civil disobedience through examining the burdens we expect people to bear when they practice civil disobedience, focussing specifically on marginalised groups. First, I consider public concerns over civil disobedience, to elicit the idea of an ‘authentic civil disobedience’. I then assess the claim that civil disobedience occurs within a ‘nearly just’ society in order to recognise the more complex position of marginalised civil disobedients. This allows me to frame any criteria we theorise for (...)
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  22.  16
    The Eugenic Underpinnings of Apartheid South Africa, and its Influence on the South African School System.Carla Turner - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (178):75-95.
    In Apartheid South Africa, eugenic notions formed an underlying justification for the superiority of the white race over Africans, through the works of international eugenicists like Galton and Pearson, and locally through prominent South African eugenicist H. B. Fantham. These ideas are expressed and elaborated upon in Emevwo Biakalo's essay ‘Categories of Cross-Cultural Cognition and the African Condition’. His work serves particularly to highlight that the mind and cognitive processes of Africans were considered very different from their white counterparts, and (...)
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