The article is given to analysis of the methodological principles of design culture as a measure of human development in achieving harmonization of relations between the individual and society. Analyzed, on the development of a research methodology and design culture influence such factors as: practical problems of increase of efficiency of design in the regeneration of the human being and its implementation in the socio-cultural life; human development as improvement of his being; the complications of the process design activities as the development of design culture and conditions for harmonisation of relations of human, nature, society; analysis of design culture is carried out aksìologìčnih positions. Among the educational principles of design culture are set off visually eksplìcitnostì principles, systems and development. Focuses on methods of analysis and design culture as ontological, gnoseologìčnij, ìnstrumentalìsts′kij, issues of institutional, regulatory role, communicative, system, that allow you to explore the design culture as a measure of human development in a complex changing environment in order to achieve harmonization of relations between society and the individual.