The article describes causes and nature of the global anthropological crisis. Positive and negative factor of the development of science and scientific-technical progress were obtained in becoming of the anthropological crisis and ways to overcome it. The main reasons include: the constant increase of population on the planet; unlimited growth of material consumption in the developed world, when there are food-deficit in poor countries; the depletion of natural resources; the overproduction of industrial waste and the increasing environmental pollution. Two groups of human degradation factors were grounded: the economic risks as the result of macroeconomic imbalances and biological ones that is associated with using of substandard products. The article states that a special significance in achieving a sustainable future, as a fundamental survival of installation strategy has the affirmation of bioantropologic interpretation, that has the task to change the attitude of mankind to nature. In this regard, coevolutionary processes were disclosed within the boundaries of intra- or inter-system phenomena's interactions of inanimate, living, social and technical nature, that have invariant character. The invariance is as a mechanism to linking in the integrity elements of the aforementioned systems. Coevolution reproduces the activity of separate systems as an ontological necessity and total natural laws. It saves and modifies their nature and relationship, creates the integrity of self-developing nature. Noospheric safety is realized through the formation of human qualities, that are aimed to the conservation, preservation and development of life and conditions of its existence.