Криза сучасної освіти і шляхи її подолання
Author analyzes essential features of humanization and humanitarization of modern education. Humanitarization is at the same time a consequence of liberalization and reason, objective, factor of social life humanization. The main task that arises in the context of needs of educational humanization is mutual enrichment and knowledge complementarity on certain subjects that should help creating a systematic image of the world. This education should be aimed at the development of heuristic and creative knowledge, experience of creative activity. For philosophy of education the problem of realization of creative personality s ideal in the process of education has a fundamental importance. Taking inseparable with this ideal the priority value of creative activity, the activity of the subject, aimed at transforming the world is self-evident. This value is the backbone in the culture of industrial society, whose existence is defined by intentions on the creation and application of new technologies, development of means and activity goals, the formation of its new species.