الخطا 14 (2):37-78 (
This article reviews the Emad Abdul Latif project, which combines rhetoric and discourse analysis. It reveals its fundamental pillars, which we summarize in the form of a triangle with three ribs: rhetoric, critical discourse analysis, and critical theory. As well as his preoccupation with social criticism through rhetorical analysis, and concludes the most outstanding proposals in this area, especially the proposal of Audience rhetoric, then the proposal to integrate it with the critical discourse analysis. This research can bring the reader closer to the rhetorical sections of the project owner, represented in the Greek Rhetoric, the Arabic Rhetoric, and the New Rhetoric. He can also draw attention to Abdul Latif's interest to the topics of political discourse, religious discourse, media discourse, virtual world, visual rhetoric, and the nature of his treatment with a critical social vision that protects the masses against the powerful practices of the speech makers and prepares them for their resistance. This research makes it easier for the specialized reader to read the revised project, and simplifies his introductions to understand his critical social vision, aspiring to resist power, and making fruitful change in the cognitive structures of the masses. The social criticism with this project and its like is no longer confined to sociologists and philosophers; rather,it calls linguists, speech analysts and rhetorical scholars to use of their experiences, procedural and analytical tools to deal with humanitarian, social and political issues, and to stop looking at the linguistic material in a dry manner, that does not exceed the structural description based on the dismantling of elements and the monitoring of Internal relations, without taking into account their social relations.