[author unknown]
In the September 1999 issue of the Review an error appeared in Christopher-Norris’s article “Theory Change and the Logic of Inquiry.” That error appeared on the first page of the article, p. 21, in the sentence beginning 8 lines from the bottom of the page. The sentence should read: “That project seemed to them just a form of ill-disguised psychologism, one that proported to address issues of truth, validity, rational warrant, and so forth, but which fell far short of the logical rigor attained by thinkers in the analytic tradition.” The phrase in question should actually have appeared on the next page, p. 22, 7 lines from the bottom which should read: “Nevertheless there is still a marked tendency to suppose that, wherever such differences show up, it will always be a matter of Frege’s having pointed the best way forward, and of Husserl’s having slipped—despite all his strenuous protests to the contrary— into some form of argument that reveals his basically psychologistic approach.”