The global principles must be the response to the globalizing world. If it is a global selfishness, the humanity will collapse. That is why; the global elfishness should be opposed by the common to all humanity sacral values or the lanetary ethics. Planetary ethics is the whole complex of interconnected principles, ideas and sets, - the complex that ought to be brought to a working system, - dynamic and strict. All these ideals and principles flows from the common to all humanity moral values, fixed in the best philosophical works of the various states and peoples, in the religious confessions with заветами of love, mercy, moral purity,striving to the living in the harmony with nature and with self. The traditional values of the Turkic world call for it. To the very principles of the planetary ethics should be attributed the following:• Tolerance;• Peaceful and the constructive dialogue of cultures, civilizations and religions;• Education for all, education should be with the priority of воспитание over study of any kind of knowledge and professional skills;• Ecological imperatives of humanity’s culture.The principles of integral ethics should accepted by everyone and anybody: the states’ leaders, international organizations, civil structures and by individuals.