Farāhī’s Objectivist-Canonical Qur’ānic Hermeneutics and its Thematic Relevance with Classical Western Hermeneutics
Focusing the notion of Nazm al- Qur’ān, this paper deals with Farāhī’scanonical approach towards Qur’ānic hermeneutics. In order to consolidatethe objectivist orientation of Farahi’s Qur’ānic hermeneutics, the paper findsits thematic relevance with certain notions of classical Western hermeneuticsmainly the notion of hermeneutical circle. The paper reviews the majorwritings both of Farāhī and Islāhī focusing the Farāhī-Islāhī notion of Nazmal- Qur’ān that every surah has a central theme and all of its verses are sointegrally and meaningfully interlinked with one another that they as a wholereveal the theme of the sūrah, and again all of the surahs are interconnectedto reveal the meaning of the Qur’ān as an organic whole. Furthermore, itargues to establish a relationship between the Farāhī’s conception of Nazmal- Qur’ān and the Western notion of hermeneutical circle. From amongstthe classical Western hermeneuticians, it incorporates, in order to explore themeaning of hermeneutical circle, two thinkers namely Ast andSchleiermacher.