\(\nabla \) -algebra is a natural generalization of Heyting algebra, unifying many algebraic structures including bounded lattices, Heyting algebras, temporal Heyting algebras and the algebraic presentation of the dynamic topological systems. In a series of two papers, we will systematically study the algebro-topological properties of different varieties of \(\nabla \) -algebras. In the present paper, we start with investigating the structure of these varieties by characterizing their subdirectly irreducible and simple elements. Then, we prove the closure of these varieties under the Dedekind-MacNeille completion and provide the canonical construction and the Kripke representation for \(\nabla \) -algebras by which we establish the amalgamation property for some varieties of \(\nabla \) -algebras. In the sequel of the present paper, we will complete the study by covering the logics of these varieties and their corresponding Priestley-Esakia and spectral duality theories.