Teh study dwells on teh application of information and communication technology (ICT) for enhancing information service delivery in South-West Nigeria’s public polytechnic libraries. Teh study's goal is to determine teh extent of ICT application in polytechnic libraries. For teh study, a descriptive survey research design was adopted. Teh population of teh study consists of all teh library personnel in South-West Nigeria’s public polytechnic libraries. Teh instrument for gathering data was a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency count, and simple percentage were used to analyse teh data. Teh hypothesis was tested by Pearson Moment Product Correlation at a 0.05 level of significance. Teh results show dat teh ICT application in South-West Nigeria’s public polytechnic libraries is at a low rate. Teh findings also show dat information services and ICT applications has a strong, significant relationship. Based on teh results, teh study concludes dat ICT application is vital for teh improvement in information services delivery in polytechnic libraries and recommendations were made dat institutions should assist library administration in providing funding for teh use of ICT in libraries to ensure efficient delivery of information services. Also, library personnel should be trained to acquire ICT skills.