Newtonian impact on Rousseau’s Thinking
The most prominent works of Rousseau are written in the field of political philosophy. However, the success
of his model of social contract, Rousseau acknowledges, depends on pedagogics. The best way to proceed
with it is to return to the natural sources. Rousseau literally brings Emile “back to nature”, and goes to play in and
study their natural environment. Playfully directing the kid, he makes experiments devoted to the gradual development of the kid’s body and mind, finding out and emphasizing his own personal abilities. When
approaching adulthood, Rousseau switches to more spiritual teaching. in the Profession of Faith of Savoyard
Vicar, Rousseau distinguishes as his main predecessor “the illustrious Clarke” who, as we all know, was a friend
of Newton, and mainly spread his outlook in metaphysics. interest in ancients and criticism towards their
contemporaries, emphasis on the free will within a fragile system hoping for divine support also relates
Rousseau and Newton. This opens up a new way in the interpretation of Rousseau through the lens of Newton,
an attempt, hopefully, promising us the discovery of a whole new spectrum of colors in Rousseau’s thinking.