The article is devoted to the book of a famous philosopher, science organizer and globalistics theoretician Alexander N. Chumakov. In Chumakov’s eyes the globalization is the objective historical process, characterized by the universalization of the connections and relations, the constitution of the unifi ed structure of diff erent spheres of social life on the world scale. Being simultaneously a part of the formation of the world society, globalization is followed by the whole bunch of contradictions on the global, regional and local levels. One of the themes is globalization and digitization: the cumulative eff ects of their interaction. The author underlines the inextricable bond between the globalization, the global problems and scientifi c and technological processes. The cumulative eff ect of globalization and digitization is appearing today in such seemingly alien events as the “colored revolutions”, the outer interventions into the election processes of the sovereign states, international terrorism, the rise of the cybercrimes on the global level, etc. – in other words, the formation of the environment, where so dangerous phenomena turn into reality. The big part of the book is devoted to the role of Russia in the global processes. Globalization today suff ers from the systematic world crises, and it is not a mere temporary stop on the way to the global unity. We need to rethink the process of the globalization as such.