Granì 22 (1):117-123 (
The article analyzes the experience of leading countries in implementing the service policy of the state (Great Britain, France, Germany, Malaysia, etc.) in order to identify effective practices for reforming state policy in the context of its service orientation. The Charter of the Citizen (UK) was adopted in 1991 and was a 10-year improvement program of the public services quality. The main principles of the Charter (standards; openness; choice; politeness and courtesy; providing services properly; efficiency and low cost) were observed. Moreover, the «Charter on the delivery of public services» (France, 1992) is researched. It presented basic principles of work regulation of French civil service on the basis of equality, impartiality and continuity, as well as new principles of activities, as a reaction to changes in expectations and demands of the population, the emergence of consumers’ new needs and requests, the need for transparency and accountability, simplicity and accessibility. It is proved that the Services Consumer Charter for Public Services in Belgium (1993) is an example of a comprehensive program that seeks to improve the relationship between state bodies and institutions on the one hand and the population - customers and consumers (clients) of services - on the other one. Analysis of mantioned above and other charters helps to detect the main tasks of the public service systems reforms, in particular: increasing the efficiency of public services and reducing the cost for their delivery; deliivery of services to citizens of the proper quality; reduced deadlines for preparing responses to requests of citizens; conducting external audits to provide creation of a system aimed at continuous improvement; emphasis on achieving results, but their planning; better definition of work processes; improving the quality of informing citizens about public services delivery; openness and transparency of authorities activities; liberalization of licensing institutions; implementation of the «e-government». A characteristic feature of reforming the system of public services delivery in the countries taken under consideration is detected. This is a duration of this process. The explanation of the long terms of the reforms in the sphere increasing the efficiency of the public sector lies in the complexity and scope of the set goals and objectives, and also in a large number of parties involved in the reform process. The further research of the problematic can be dealt with analysis of the state, quality, and special features of the domestic reforms dedicated to the state service policy implementation.