Kader 18 (1):61-86 (
The promise and the threat (al-wa’d wa al-wa‘īd) issue, which has been debated among theological sects, is primarily related to the problem of grave sin. This critical issue discussed in the framework of the problem of grave sin and in the context of the faith-action relationship has been shaped based on the definitions of faith of the emerging sects. Through examining the Qur’ān verses about al-wa’d and al-wa‘īd, answers to such questions whether the Qur’ān verses about to indicate generality (‘umūm) or specification (khusūs) and whether divine promise and threat can change have been sought. In the beginning, the disputations occurring between Murji’ah and Mu‘tazilah, afterward, have become one of the essential matters of debate among Māturīdīs and the Mu‘tazilī scholars. Even though Imām Māturīdī expresses common criticisms against Khawārij and Mu‘tazilah, he mainly condemns the Mu‘tazilī doctrine. Mu‘tazilah treats the principle in question based on the idea that, by force of divine justice, it is necessary for God to reward the faithful and punish the disobedient. According to them, because a grave sin that is not repented requires to stay permanently in the hell, intercession (shafā‘ah) is not possible for such a person. However, Māturīdī argues that a claim of this kind cannot be valid from the point of justice by emphasizing that faith, which is a state of constant assent, prevents the punishment. In this essay, Māturīdī’s criticisms have been discussed with regard to directly related issues such as justice, grave sin, and intercession.