In the first part of his paper, published in the previous issue of this journal, the author dwelt on Sri Aurobindo's social, economic, political and nationalistic writings in Aurobindo's pre-Pondicherry days (1872-1910). In this second part, the paper crystallizes Sri Aurobindo's ideas and writings during the four decades he spent in Pondicherry. This paper looks at Aurobindo's metaphysical search for answers to the most fundamental questions of existence. The future that Sri Aurobindo was seeking out was not a particular future of any single nation but that of the human personality itself, both in its individual and collective manifestations. The author documents with great fidelity Aurobindo's vision of the birth of a new consciousness which will liberate the individual from his ego and create a framework of life within which man can seek and grow into his real self and divinity.