In investigating the original cause of Pancasila, Professor Notonagoro involved the use of causality theory. Based on the causality theory, Pancasila’s causa materialis originated from traditions, cultures and religions belonged to Indonesia. The traditions here are in the sense of their relation to the social, economics, politics and state structure problems. But it is important to be firmed here that the traditions can be transformed into sila-sila Pancasila even thought not at all. Causa materialis of Pancasila originated from Indonesian cultures involve everything which was produced by human mind such as science, technology, economics, art, etc. Because of the understanding of culture are determined by the scientific point of view, in this case, the local cultures of Indonesia which were taken as sila-sila Pancasila have not been explained here. In addition, causa materialis of Pancasila originated from religions can be expressed throughout the reality of Indonesian as religious people who acknowledged the Great Unity of God. This divinity principle tends to show that Indonesian people believe in God. More than this, each Indonesian people believe in God on the base of their religion and faith.