Saulo Xavier de Brito Amorim and Luiz Schettini Filho, both engaged in the Adoption Support Groups (GAA) movement, talk on YouTube about the development of parenthood, the qualification and adoption processes, and the production of knowledge in the field of child and teen adoption. Dilton Ribeiro Couto Junior and Tania Lucía Maddalena, researchers in the field of cyberculture studies, open and close the article with the intention of presenting the potential of online conversation as a way of learning-teaching-researching with the other. We pursue good questions because we also seek good answers that can enrich collective reflection. We understand conversation as the result of a dialogical relationship in which all participants are encouraged to ask questions; consequently, we believe in the communicative dynamism of conversation as a way of researching in partnership with others. With a digital network, we have the opportunity to share our content with the world and give internet users the chance to assign new meanings to what was initially discussed, further broadening the discussion on the subject of parenthood and adoption. There is no pre-determined script for being a parent, but rather constant learning and teaching, resulting from the emotional relationship established with the child. Adopting means opening up to the other, leaving your comfort zone and entering the realm of the unexpected and the unrepeatable, out of the desire to form a family.