Govt India (
Research and Author , Ms. Reshma Arora:
The Bible Torah refers to Creativity in the Book of Genesis: In the beginning [at first], Elohim [the Just, Eternal Breath] created the heavens and earth, and it was good [right, useful, essential, beautiful and towards pure ends].
There are allusions in the Bible of Elohim's creation being of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, holiness and declared as His handiwork.
The Traditional Indian Culture non-religious Hindu logic studies/Vidya/Science domain denotes Creativity as being Tattva [Principle of life, reality, truth], Aksharas [from Indestructible source] and inspired Akruthi/Akrithi [breathed into shape of innocence-only good] -i.e. truth, coming from a Consciousness of Almighty and as being Beautiful.
Taken from a non-religious point of view, these references herein state that Creativity is a Consciousness phenomenon, is a new and useful output, engages intangible resources and qualities [faith in right, wisdom, self control, patience, understanding, peacefulness, love, trueness and knowledge] and manifests tangibly in some situations.