This paper has a two-fold task. First, I show that there are three types of individuals associated with the Thrasymachean view of society: the many, i.e., the ruled or those exploited individuals who are just and obey the laws of the society; the tyrant or ruler who sets down laws in the society in order to exploit the many for personal advantage; the "stronger" individual or member of the society who is detached from the many and aspires to become the tyrant. Second, I argue that if Thrasymachus’s account of the perfectly unjust life of the tyrant is to be more than a theoretical ideal, then the stronger individual who aspires to the tyrant’s position would do well to lead a double life—namely, pursuing private injustice while maintaining the public ‘appearance’ of justice. My interpretation accords with that of Glaucon, noted at the beginning of Republic II. I want to extend Glaucon’s interpretation to include the stronger individual as well. I argue that the standpoint of the stronger individual, as distinct from the standpoints of the tyrant and the many, shows Thrasymachus’s three statements regarding justice to be consistent with one another.