Level measurements, thickness measurement or remote surface detection using ultrasonic pulse transit method require that the target surface be at 90 O to the incident beam so that reflected beam comes back at 180-degree angle to effectively use this method. This is perfectly true in case of flat, solid surface at right angle to the incident beam. But surface irregularities of a porous, non-smooth, uneven material such as snow cause penetration of incident wave into the surface, absorption of the incident energy, scatter of energy in many directions and further attenuation of reflected signal making it difficult to detect the reflected echo. Such a received reflected echo is very low in amplitude and is heavily noise-ridden. The successful surface detection with excellent repeatability and accuracy without any false measurement in this case requires combination of physical acoustic, mechanical, hardware and software techniques together. In this paper we discuss the suitable physical, mechanical, electronics design to physically implement the theory of Arrayed Ultrasonic transducers to shape up the directional response, beam width and avoid interference to improve the chances of proper and sufficient reflection from the non-smooth, highly porous, uneven, non-planar irregular surface.