Summing up, it should point to areas such influence on the philosophy of history, historical anthropology, as the last recourse in the category of «civilization» analysis of the impact of geographic factors on the evolution mentality, daily life, social and cultural norms, traditions and institutions; research «macroscopic» set of historical and cultural regions such as the Mediterranean or the individual «local» civilization, such as Western European or Slavic- Orthodox, the reconstruction and analysis of various aspects of mentality and its embodiment in the socio-cultural reality, «structure of everyday life», social life and its elements, etc. The effect of these trends and the factors influencing the philosophical and historical concepts to the historical- anthropological study was different in terms of subject matter and the intensity of the cognitive effects in different periods of XX - beginning of XXI century. In particular, the analysis of geographic factors affecting the historical and anthropological phenomena, as well as the study of «makroobjektive context» in which implement various aspects of anthropological elements of historical processes, the most efficient and dynamic perceived historical anthropology in the 1950s - 1960s. The culmination of this was the post-war work of Fernand Braudel. The study of specific historical and anthropological elements of the universe in Western Europe were the most relevant in the 1930-1950 -ies, socio-cultural phenomena of witchcraft, of magic, popular religiosity actively investigated in 1960 - 1970 years, the role of women in the society of the European Middle Ages and modern times, as well as approaches of microhistory have a high status in the research of the 1970s. and up to the present.