Granì 19 (11):11-17 (
Practically along the entire period of its existence, the informational impact on the enemy has been used during the armed violence. Nowadays with the invention of modern technology, methods and tools of information confrontation have improved substantially. Technologies of such influence have varied, but the main tool is universal, this is bulletin. Distribution of these specially designed messages among mass audience is usually done through the media, international charitable foundations, clubs, sects, and so on. Methods of NLP programming are widely used in such bulletins. The main features, which allow hidden manipulating, include emotion, sensationalism, urgency and repetition of the message, crush of coherent factual picture, withdrawal from the context of the real facts from the main source, mixing information and opinion, operation status and authority, activation of stereotypes. According to the above-mentioned tasks, experts have developed a number of technological methods of information influence, among which are the following: implementation of rumors, a provocation, misinformation and psychological pressure, diversification of public opinion and creation a mosaic of content. Today the purpose of the use of these methods is to impact deeper on public awareness components, such as the mentality of nations, armies, spiritual foundations, faith, ideology, history, patriotism, culture and so on. Leading Ukrainian researcher G. Pocheptsov, having described the problem of this question, has determined it as an action aimed at the change of the mentality of the nation using informational and semantic war. Conventional war extends to physical space and information, an informational and semantic war takes virtual space, affecting cognitive sphere of a person. Above all, semantic war is aimed not to the creation of facts but to their interpretations’ change. Semantic war uses deeper structures that are hidden behind superficial structures. Scientists have differentiated, named and described these elements. American linguist George Lakoff calls them frames – mental structures, which change our thinking. Thus, we can state that the informational component of the armed violence is gradually approaching such theoretically grounded phenomenon as «consistent war» This is a system of outreach and psychological tools, which are aimed at the creation of public awareness, and are conducted using media information, culture, arts and other (psychotropic, psychotronic) tools during a long time according to the carefully developed scenarios.