The French scholar Jan-Francoisa Lyotard (1925-98) deconstructs from categories such as speech and language and places the image and play against it. He places a postmodernist visual sensibility against the modernist speech sensitivity. He comes up with figural logic. Lyotard has the critical thinking and offers new ways to critique contemporary intellectual and cultural status in various political, social, and artistic fields. These new practices are facing with many challenges, but at the same time are the motivating and inspiring. The general criteria of truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and evil are highly problematic within the theoretical framework of Lyotard's thinking and cannot be taken for granted. But in the absence of such rules, it seeks responsible thought and action. Lyotard presents a complex picture of art and culture. An image in which realism, modernism, postmodernism coexist together in all periods of art work. So, contrary to the postmodern situation, in which the postmodern phenomenon of the late twentieth century is considered in response to the question: what is postmodern? The postmodern issue is related to a matter of aesthetics style rather than historical period.