The article deals with the issues of creative society’s environment. The theses have been developed as follows. 1. Creative venture enters unknown environment concerning consuming. 2. Outstanding society is hardly recognized in consuming environment, which has been forced to change. 3. Creative society is outstanding as much as by arising in consumi+ng environment does not regard consuming logic and blocks communicative channels of the consumers. 4. A creative worker is rich not by having a lot of things to be consumed but by satisfying things for realization of his (her) creative aspirations. 5. The concept of happiness is a mobility factor of both an individual and the society. 6. Happiness is to be created together with beneficial for it social environment, the creator of which is both an individual and the society. 7. Averageness does not mean inauthenticity, on the contrary, it is an environment of outstandingness nurturance while the creative phenomena canalize this environment into the identity whole. 8. Creation and creative life art is prophylaxis of moderation and ipso facto happiness. 9. Technology is a factor of new social environment. 10. Consumer society wastes natural and social environment by orienting to as bigger as possible comfort and, as a result, causes total discomfort. 11. Quality of ecosphere as well as being affected by environmental pollution becomes an important challenge for the creative society.