Indonesia has 240 million Muslims, 220 million of whom are committed to democracy. Indonesian scholars publish extensively on the religious tolerance of Muhammad and the pluralistic nature of Islam. The five points of Indonesia’s political philosophy listed in the Preamble to their Constitution are: 1) Belief in God that includes Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam and animism; 2) Humanitarianism; 3) Unity in diversity, nationalism; 4) Achieving wisdom through deliberation; and 5) Social justice. These principles are compatible with Aristotle, Greek humanism and democracy. Beginning with my Fulbright in 2012, I have worked with Indonesians at the Islamic State Universities in Indonesia. The paper discusses the extensive dialogue I have had with them about how both Americans and Indonesians can learn from the legacy of the Greeks. Americans can learn from Indonesian professors who are requiredto unite theory and practice and be involved in a University Community Engagement Project.