Critical Thinking In Kindergarten
Kindergartens in Norway are looked upon as the first step in children’s education. There is a discussion in the early childhood field about how to best prepare children for lifelong education. In this paper we want to discuss critical thinking in relation to children’s everyday life in kindergarten. We want to focus on how kindergarten teachers can practice critical thinking together with children by using documentation as a starting point. We wish to emphasized children’s active participation in relation to critical thinking, and further on we points out some aspects that we find important in doing critical thinking in kindergarten. We would argue that critical thinking must take into account the social practice of the thinking; both the power relations in the dialogue and children’s movement, experimentation and way of being. It seems to be important to fight for children’s rights when political goals seems to reduce children’s active participation, and it is in relation to this we find it interesting to discuss critical thinking, and how early childhood teacher’s best can arrange and prepare for such thinking in kindergarten.