Granì 18 (7) (
The article described the attitude of Ukrainian leftist parties to church and religion in the late nineteenth century – the first third of the twentieth century. Ukrainian Galicia left hand – is a special phenomenon of the Ukrainian movement in this period. It is significantly different from similar political camp on the Dnieper. First, it soon took shape organizationally, thoroughly used in political practice European traditions left movement, clearly defined Ukrainian aspirations. At the same time left Galicia and Dnieper been characterized by an increase in performance of social justice, political, religious, national equality, democratization of the electoral law so on. In the late nineteenth century leftwing parties experienced a period of ideological formation, search of basic vectors. They varied size, ideology, ethnic composition, the territory in which the distributed activities. During this period Ukrainian Galicia left hand has made his views on religion and the church, which is reflected in the party programs, theoretical heritage of outstanding representatives of socialist and communist parties. In the interwar period of the twentieth century. representatives of leftist political parties of Western Ukraine further critical and negative attitude to the institution of the church and religion, however, given the high religiosity local population had to adapt software principles to the realities of the time. During this period there were also significant differences between the Socialists and the Communists. The first criticized religious dogma based on national principles (criticism «Polish Church» compromise some Greek Catholic bishops, etc.), the latter guided the works of classics of MarxismLeninism, which denied the need for religion in general society. The article noted that position to the churches and religious representatives held communist forces, mostly professed atheist beliefs, fought for the deepening of Marxist ideology among the population of the region. Despite the fact that declarative Communists proclaimed religion a private matter, emphasized that everyone should be entirely free in order to manifest religion or anything that does not recognize any religion, in practice, members KPSH, CPWU fought for spreading the atheistic worldview. High religiosity of the population of Western Ukraine, minor impacts communist forces in the sociopolitical processes have not allowed CPWU, SelRob implement the program positions in the church and the religious sphere. Moreover, the Church also poboryuvala spread of Communism in Galicia. Socialists considered attitude to church and religion. Noted that in general, despite his priestly descent, representatives of radicals and social democrats were quite critical of the clergy. The latter, in particular, considered the church «the largest natural enemy of all free thought, progress.» The Social Democrats accused the church of «suppressing the national feelings» not only Galician people in general but young clergy. In the interwar period of the twentieth century. Social Democrats exposed to communist ideas that influenced the change in the ideological platform of the party in the church and religious issue. Radicals in their practice using theoretical work Franko, who sharply criticized the Galician clergy. However, PSA dystantsionuvalasya of church issues, stressing that its electorate itself selects how to treat religious institutions and religion in general. SocialistRadical Party continued line PSA, but has transformed nationalcultural program to the requirements of the time. While in terms of the political system of the Second Commonwealth, MSzMP church considered as a means of national osvidomlenya population opposed the elimination of Orthodox churches, an increase of church land ownership, emphasized the need for separation of church and state. Nevertheless, sometimes, frankly erroneous judgment, theoretical and practical heritage activities Ukrainian Galicia from the left end of the XIX i in the first third of the twentieth century church religious sphere remain valid and instructive.