Narratology is one of the modern methods in the analysis of literary works which was first applied on Russian fairytales by Russian critique Vladimir Propp. Propp's ideas in the book "The structural analysis of the tale" had an important influence on the narrative theory. Nearly all the French structuralists have been influenced by Propp and some even tried to complete and correct his theories. Being a real story, "Hasanak_ e_ Vazir" doesn't correspond to the theories of Propp and others. But considering Beihaghi's time of narration, it's structural points and also paying attention to the point that the protagonists of the story have surpassed the limits of a real character and their deeds and sayings call for the reader's pondering, this story has the capacity for structural and morphological analysis. The writer tries to study: 1) the way the story begins 2) getting familiar with the protagonists and the antagonists 3)the cause and effects or actions and reactions. 4) The way information is given to the reader or the chronological relations between the story's events. 5) climax. 6) The conclusions out of Beihaghi's narration.