Blasius of Parma deals with intensification and remission of accidental forms, and the related concept of « latitude » in at least three texts : the Questiones de latitudinibus formarum, the Questio disputata de intensione et remissione formarum and Question 10 on Book V of the Physics. The paper is focussed on the two last. Blasius discusses theses about the ontological status of qualities and their relation to their subject of inherence through the issue of their intensification or weakening, at the borderline of physics and metaphysics. In the same time, he takes sides for the calculating procedures that were on debate since the beginning of the 14th century. In binding the quality and its subject closely together, Blasius does not go as far as the Oxford Calculators in the mathematisation of intensive magnitudes. Nonetheless, he does attempt to integrate the new tools into his physics and his ontology.