Income distribution continues to be a major problem of the countries. Turkey is one of the countries that are in the high Gini Coefficient if we compare it with the EU members. It is known that Turkey has applied various economic policies to solve this problem. In order to ensure social justice the application of redistribution policies is the first solution that comes in mind. However, its implementation option is limited due to its negative effect on economic growth. The most effective option to ensure social justice is to give importance to the education sector without compromising on the economic growth. In this study we will discuss, firstly, income distribution movements over the years and analyze its impact on the political economy. Especially in the time period of 1977-2014, the effects of an increase in the economic growth due to an increase in the number of primary, secondary and university graduates will be investigated by using the ARDL boundary test approach. The obtained finding of the long term relationship of these variables and the contribution of their relationship on the estimated result of an increase in the education index caused by a decrease in the Gini Coefficient that is shown in the form of improvement effects of income distribution. According to the findings in the literature the investments made for education in Turkey have made a significant contribution to the improvement of income distribution. Lastly, in order to increase the influence of education on economy some policy recommendations have been discussed in the study.