The Two Principles of Liberalism. The aim of our article is to construct a substantive definition of liberalism. To do so, the article brings together two principles which are entirely distinct, both in historical and in logical terms. The first is the principle of lesser government, according to which the State should allow the individual to carry out those actions which the latter is best fitted to perform – and, to begin with, those actions where the individual’s own safety is at stake. The second is the principle of differential government, which stipulates that liberty is only possible when several, heterogeneous systems of constraint – laws, morals, etc. – are simultaneously in operation. Liberalism, in the strict sense of the term, that is, understood as a body of thought which explicitly defined itself as such at the start of the nineteenth century, emerged from the encounter between these two principles. What is today called « neo-liberalism », that is, the subsumption of all modes of endeavour under the sole rule of economic exchange, thus proves to be the negation rather than the accomplishment of liberalism