Psychology Press (
This edited book addresses four themes of contemporary importance in the experimental and applied analysis of behaviour: chronobiology (relationships between time and behaviour), the emergence of rational thinking, language, and behavioural medicine. The current empirical and theoretical status of each theme is considered in individual chapters, the authors of which are distinguished research scientists drawn from a wide range of scholarship and with a distinctive European dimension. This cultural and theoretical diversity emerges from the fact that each chapter is developed from a paper originally presented by invitation at the Second European Meeting on the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, which was held in Liège, Belgium in 1988. Within the four themes, individual topics address issues such as circadian rhythms in behaviour, temporal regulation in children and in animals, the emergence of equivalence relations in children and animals, the development of thinking in mentally retarded children, reasoning and associative learning in animals, rule'governed behaviour, theoretical issues relating language to the theory of mind, the relationship between behavioural and visceral functions, the relevance of behavioural approaches to the prevention of AIDS, and the development of self'detection skills for breast cancer. The book makes an important contribution to the literature of contemporary behaviour analysis by reviewing issues of current interest and importance from a broad theoretical base.