Intimacy as a Lived Experience of Health
Dissertation, Wayne State University (
Rosemarie Parse's theory of human becoming and research methodology supported the investigation of the structure of intimacy as a lived experience of health. Eleven African-American adolescents 10 through 14 years of age engaged in dialogue with the researcher to share their lived experiences of intimacy. The researcher derived the structure of the lived experience of intimacy through extraction-synthesis and lifted the structure to the theoretical level into the language of human becoming for use in nursing science through heuristic interpretation. From a Parsean perspective, nursing knowledge is enhanced through gaining a broader understanding of lived experiences that are dimensions of the human-health process. The findings pointed to implications for practice and further research. Other purposes of the study, to further specify the concepts of the theory of human becoming and to refine the research method, were accomplished as the the lived experience of intimacy was uncovered