Nacija bez subjekta. Kakva je poststrukturalistička koncepcija nacije?: Nation without Subject. What is the Poststructuralist Concept of Nation?
Problem nacionalnog identiteta već je neko vrijeme predmet brojnih studija. Unatoč međusobnim razlikama, društveni teoretičari i povjesničari uglavnom se slažu o modernosti i konstruiranosti nacije. Međutim, ono što u svojim razmatranjima ne uzimaju u obzir jesu kritike koje su problematizirale status subjekta i onemogućile da se o naciji kao zajednici govori kao o zajedništvu imanentnih pojedinaca. Ovim se radom nastoje ispitati mogućnosti da se o naciji govori i piše, bez posezanja za pojmom subjekta kao njegovom osnovnom konstitutivnom kategorijom.The problem of national identity has recently been the object of an enormous number of studies. Despite their differences, social theorists and historians today seem to agree unanimously on the modern and constructed character of nations. However, it seems that they didn’t sufficiently take into account the effects of contemporary questioning of the concept of subject. Thanks to the poststructuralist problematisation of subjectivity, it is impossible to define nation as a communion of immanent individuals. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of a different conceptualization of nation, one that wouldn’t rely on the idea of subject as its basic constitutive category