Granì 4:98-102 (
The peculiarities of formation of healthy lifestyle of student youth in today’s Ukrainian society are regarded in the article. Issues of health, diseases, medicine and health care are attracted the attention of scientists from different disciplines. Sociological understanding of these issues can be founded in the works of the laureates in medicine, sociology, philosophy, psychology, ethnology and others. The sociology of health is relatively a new research subject. General sociology is also increasingly be interested in health problem due to the increase of the importance of the problem. The high intensity of social change affects the health of majority of the population. This requires understanding of the position of the sociology of health, and general sociological theory. These trends are actualized at a theoretical and practical level’s of analysis of the specific practices of maintaining a healthy lifestyle of student youth. We can make the following conclusions about the impact of some of the analyzed factors on the health of young people and the formation of life. Young people primarily believe that human healths are influenced crucially by material factors and the environment. Respondents do not give too much importance for factors, which determining the spiritual and mental health of individuals. Women proportion of young people are exposed to external factors in shaping their attitudes towards health more than man proportion of young people. Lifestyle of the young man is formed under the influence of family and entourage. Young people usually do not pay much attention to their health, even if it is unsatisfactory. Preferably be noted that most students find physical education as unimportant subject, therefore, periodically or miss a class, or do not go. Some general recommendations how sport complexes can increase the efficiency of its impact on process of forming and maintaining a healthy lifestyles of today’s youth.