Докса 2 (
Biography can not be presented out of narrative, the interaction of narrative structures and mechanisms of interpretation is inevitable. This interaction can be seen as a significant resource of biographical method. The author is a legal person having the relevant documents proving his identity and copyrights. He is a certain individual and cultural-historical individual, living a certain life, having no direct relation to his works. The author is a character that is included into his works. He is a certain image, having a formal attitude to his works. It is a sign for the association or the classification of certain products. Therefore biography turns into some complex construct, which must unite meanings of his works, and his personal life’s ideals and intentions in a holistic concept or value context, and cultural-historical situation, and the real facts of his life, but meaningful and filed in a certain way. This is the node where narratology and hermeneutics are intertwined. Biographical narrative is a relatively independent structure that allows you to restrict the set of subjective social and cultural interpretations. Culturological interpretations, which use biographical and other narratives, become loaded with narrative, which makes them more correct.