The aim of this study was to investigate the level of posttraumatic growth of cancer patients post-treatment in the context of selected sociodemographic characteristics, clinical markers, and psychological variables (positive and negative emotions, anxiety and depressive symptoms, gratitude, forgiveness, hope, importance of the spiritual aspect of life and the practice of religious faith). The study sample consisted of 110 patients post-treatment aged 22-79 years and with an average time since the completion of the last treatment ranging from 5 to 396 months. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, screening methods to measure anxiety (General Anxiety Dis- order-7) and depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), and questionnaires to measure dispositional gratitude (Gratitude Questionnaire GQ-6), dispositional hope (Adult Dispositional Hope Scale), and forgiveness (Heartland Forgiveness Scale) were used to measure the psychological variables. There were no differences in the level of posttraumatic growth in terms of sociodemographic characteristics and clinical markers. Partner status, employment status, presence of recurrence, and comorbidities did not differentiate its level either. The rate of posttraumatic growth was related to the experience of positive emotions, gratitude, the importance of the spiritual aspect of life, and the practice of religious faith. In the regression model that explained 21.90% of the variance in posttraumatic growth, only the level of positive emotions was a significant predictor. The results of the present research point suggest that the level of posttraumatic growth is associated with several areas of emotional experience and cognitive adjustment of cancer patients post-treatment.