The master-disciple relationship has raised up over time a great interest
among researchers who were bent both on areas of secular life and those
interreligious life. A brief look in to the history and philosophy of religion
reveals that masters and disciples were present in each cultural and religious
area. The relationship that has been established between them has depended
on the nature of the religion in the midst of which was manifested. The fact
that the same relationship is also found in the secular society should not be
overlooked, where one can see all its forms, from the total attachment of the
disciple towards the master, to the radical contesting of the master and the
permanent parting from him.
The lines above are only an introduction to the phenomenological
study of the master-disciple relationship as manifested over time. The
cultural and religious are where we can see this relationship how the paideic model is one of the most spread and popular images in human
history. But the modern, contemporary times seem to depart and forget the
importance of the master in people's lives. However, in the religious world,
the master-disciple relationship cannot disappear, because it is a part of the
very constitution and manifestations of homo religion and is present in all
the religions of the world.