Sind pyrrhonische Skeptiker irrational? Radikale Skepsis und die Grenzen der Rationalität
Pyrrhonian skepticism is the most radical and consequent form of skepticism. It is a way of life in which suspension of judgement leads to peace of mind . A Pyrrhonian does not believe anything, because he has the impression that there are no beliefs for which there are sufficient reasons. It seems to him that the reasons for the truth of every single statement are no better than the reasons against it . How can he then make claims and argue? Are his considerations not selfrefuting? Is he able to decide rationally between alternative ways of life? I try to show that these questions can be answered in favour of Pyrrhonian rationality. There may be one suspicion of irrationality left: For a Pyrrhonian, theory is a form of therapy and thus a means for successful practice. If rationality prevents him from having peace of mind, he would give up rationality for happiness