Dissertation, University of Warwick (
This thesis aims at working out a politics out of the thought of Deleuze and Guattari. The angle taken on this question is ontological. Politics is inseparable from ontology. Every ontology is political and every politics is itself an ontology. The reciprocal relation between ontology and politics has been here identified as the question of their ‘parallelism’. This parallelism of the ontological and the political is first to be found in Spinoza’s thought. Spinoza can only write an ethics and a politics on the basis of his analysis of substance. In this analysis the thesis of ‘parallelism’ occupies a central position. Spinoza’s theory of the univocity of being rests on this principle. This project is rehabilitated by Deleuze and Guattari in their own philosophy as a form of radical materialism. This form of philosophy guided by the principle of ‘parallelism’ has here been called: ontological materialism. Thus, not only is it impossible to understand their politics without grasping their ontology, but the complexities of it will only be understood after a study of Spinoza’s ontology itself. For these purposes the thesis has been divided into two parts. The first part concerns Spinoza’s thought. The second, concentrates on Deleuze and Guattari’s Capitalisme et schizophrénie The analysis will concentrate on the passage from the first to the second volume as a translation of the continuities at the ontological level but also on the shifts that from this level necessarily occasion a movement in their conception of politics. This research along the Spinozist lines of the ontology of Deleuze and Guattari allows for their politics to be read as an ethics. In the final outcome the activity of philosophy itself is an ethics.